Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Daily Fellowship

All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:44-47

The early church was persecuted. These new Christians totally changed their way of living when they gave their hearts to Christ. They were no doubt laughed at and shunned by family and friends.The part of this passage that struck me was that the believers met together daily to worship and praise God. They needed each other, supported each other, and loved each other genuinely. As I read this verse, I thought of you!

I can’t sit with each of you daily, break bread, and pray. But through this blog I can share with you the way God is working in my life. I can offer you encouragement in your trial by being honest about my trials and the way God has brought me through them. I can praise God with you, and we can both leave our worship time together refreshed and refocused. I can confidently tell you that if you ask Our God for something he will not fail you. I can cry as I blog and know that by doing so, you too will open up to God about your hurts. I’m not afraid to share my sins and mistakes because I know that you have them too, and rather than condemn we can praise God together for his forgiveness and grace. 

 I can see why the believers of the early church met together daily. We were made for relationship. We need each other. We learn from each other. Though you may not know it, you are helping me deepen my relationship with God. I envision your faces as I type. I ask God to direct my words and my heart so that our time of fellowship honors him. What I love most about blogging my relationship with God is that I’ve really had to think about what I’m willing to commit to publicly. If I write it, I’m held accountable to live it out, by many readers, but most importantly by God.

God First Friends, we share a sweet fellowship. Our time together must be real and honest. We can both laugh and cry. But most importantly, we will worship God together! And God will add to our number daily those that are being saved!

Dear Lord,
We dedicate to you this daily time of fellowship. Open our hearts to hear you and our eyes to see you. Receive our praise and worship as a blessing to your heart. As God First Friends, help us to leave our time of worship and be a living testimony to your greatness. 

Amen & Amen

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