Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Proclaim His Name!

The Only Name
When I wake up in the Land of Glory 
and with the saints I will tell my story 
there will be One Name that I proclaim!

I cranked this song this morning while I was in the shower.  Oh the gift of being a stay at home mom when all your kids are in school!  I am so blessed to have my quiet time and my crank up the music, sing to your hearts desire, break all the windows, make the dogs howl time :)  I absolutely love the words to this song!  And the chorus today, after I had just spent time in my bible and God had not spoken a word to me on what to put on this blog, He sang the most beautiful words to my heart.  If you haven’t heard this song it can be found by searching Big Daddy Weave The Only Name.  

When I sang this chorus I was given the most beautiful vision sitting with the saints and telling them my life story and the wonderful things that God had done for me.  I took this vision a step further and thought of the importance of sharing my story with the people in my life and the people that I meet with on a daily basis.  As a christian I should be sharing the things God is doing in my life.  I should be sharing what Christ did for me and the wonderful mercies I have been given through His death on the cross.  

About 3 years ago God laid this very topic on my heart.  He showed me the importance of sharing with others.  It wasn’t a comfortable thought.  I didn’t want people knowing the struggles in my life.  I also didn’t know how to just bring up the topic of God in my conversations.  Especially knowing that some of the people I talk to would not be receptive of it.  It took time to get comfortable enough to share God in my everyday conversations. I have always been a little shy, and I don’t usually make small talk.  It wasn’t “normal” for me to fit God into my everyday conversations.  I was blessed with a beautiful group of women whom I have mentioned before, my god first friends.  That group of girls was my first test of sharing and it gave me the confidence to grow in a new way.  Now, a few years later, I am very intentional in my choice of words and the stories I share.  I want people to know that I am real and that the life I live and the blessings I have and the strengths I possess, all come from a higher power.....My God.....Our God.  I want to be genuine and let people know that I have issues and problems that I struggle with, and more importantly, I want them to know that God is my source of victory over those struggles.  

So today, as you go about your day, proclaim that One Name!  Share your stories, your struggles, your blessings and be absolutely sure you let people know where your joy in those struggles comes from.  Let everyone know Who blesses you!  Proclaim His Name, Jesus and you will be a blessing to others. 

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