Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Talk Before Fighting

Joshua 22

Before they could go back to their families and return to the land promised them by God the eastern tribes had to help the other tribes fight for land on the west side.  They had worked hard and followed through with the work they were given.  Now it was time for them to return to their homes on the east side.  Joshua praised them for a job well done and sent them on their way leaving them with these words:

But be very careful to obey all the commands and the instructions that Moses gave to you.  Love the Lord your God, walk in all his ways, obey his commands, hold firmly to him, and serve him with all your heart and all your soul.  
Joshua 22:5

Just before they returned to their land they stopped to build a large altar.  When the rest of Israel heard about this they were angry.  Immediately they assumed the altar was for worshipping other God's and they prepared to go to war with them.  Before a fight broke out they followed Moses' earlier instructions which called for a delegation.  A group was sent to talk to the tribes and find out what they were doing.  Instead of a large fight breaking out they found out that the altar was not built to worship other gods and start up a new religion.  The altar was built as a reminder for all people, on both sides of the river, to know that they served the same Almighty God.  

This story serves as a great remineder of the importance of asking first.  Had they just gone on their assumptions a huge fight would have occured for nothing.  The west tribes would have taken innocent lives!  Instead they followed the rules, talked to the tribes first and found out that they were doing nothing wrong and a fight was not neccessary.  I had to think to myself how often I assume things and get angry over something I don't know is true  How often do I get mad at people because I assume they are doing something to hurt me?  I was remineded the importance of communicating and going to the source of my feelings to get the truth and talk out an issue.  God wants this for our lives!  God wants us to use wisdom and love when dealing with quesionable situations.  He wants us to talk out our issues instead of assuming and jumping to conclusions.  Fighting isn't always the right answer.  Getting angry and assuming things doesn't usually get us relief nor does it solve any problems.  

Dear God, help me to stop assuming things.  Like the story in Joshua, give me boldness to go to the person or people who hurt me and talk things out before a fight occurs.  Remind me, in the heat of an issue, that I don't always know everything and that wisdom comes from doing things Your way.  Give me words to have discussions with the people who hurt me and help me to work things out in a godly way.  Give me patience as I wait with You........In Jesus' Name  Amen 

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