Thursday, August 11, 2016

Super Strength

My flowerbed is where I so often hear clearly from the Lord. Oh, it's not an audible voice, but rather the subtle nudges and prompting of God's spirit as I ponder the goings on in my life.

Yesterday as I pulled weeds (which were the size of a toddler) I was thinking to myself that I had just been in this bed less than 2 weeks ago. I had removed all the visible weeds and turned the soil over with a hoe. I had sprayed to prevent future weeds.  Yet, I was amazed at the rate at which these weeds grew. And in my non-reality mind when I had pulled them I had expected them to remain gone. But, that surely didn't happen.

I felt God speaking through this thought that came to my heart.... You need a super strength spray to put them down for good. Now, let me explain why that thought meant so much. I had Ben talking with a friend that has battled an addiction for most of her life. It's not an obvious addiction, but one that plagues her deeply and quietly. She's done so much to put the addiction down. Yet, temptation causes her to fail and fight.  I've been praying for ways to help her. And as I pulled weeds, I felt God telling me she's been fighting in her own power and not with His super natural power. And it will be my prayer and conversation with her to invite God, through His Spirit's power, to help her deal with the roots that give her trouble.

You see, it's like fighting weeds. You can pull them, get all the visible plant pulled, spray the surface and everything looks good. But, below the surface there is a tiny root that didn't get dealt with so it grows. Often coming back with a vengeance! It's time to call in the professionals and have them put on some heavy duty, super-strength weed killer!

Our life in Christ is the same. We can deal with the surface issues and the visible signs of our sins, hurts, and fears but only God's strength can truly help us die to our sin and live in freedom- to daily, even momentarily put it down. Only with Christ can we have long term freedom !

Friend, today I pray you will invite the Lord to come into an area of your life that hove been fighting in your own power. Trust him. Depend on him. And let his super-strength overcome!

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