Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A Betrayed Heart

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

She had shared her heart, opened up to allow another to enter the vulnerable places of her life. She had served and offered her love unselfishly. The result was friendship!

And then one day, something changed and her friend became her greatest enemy harming her in ways that were too hard to bear. Her friend cut her legs right out from under her with harmful words and actions that just didn't make sense. She was left lying on her tear stained pillow with one word, "Why?"

Perhaps you're reading this scenario and it seems all too familiar. It seems that it's your story. But friend, it's my story too! It's happened to me, and I thought I'd never stand again. The pain hurt so deeply and felt so unfair. I asked God "Why?" I questioned myself and wondered what I should have done differently and what I had done to deserve this kind of treatment. And oh yes, God revealed changes within me that needed to be made. But ultimately He didn't show me why it happened and it has never been totally healed with the other, but God did show me that despite the unfaithfulness of a friend, He was faithful. He showed me that I could bear the pain because He bore the pain. He showed me that He would walk with me through these unchartered, turbulent waters. He showed me a greater love... His love.

My sweet friend, I've been where you are. Know that you will get through this. Your friendship may not be restored, but your heart will be. Lean into the Lord. Be real. Shed tears. Allow your heart, raw and bleeding, to be mended by the hands of the healer. You will be comforted and then you will use your story to comfort another. As you comfort another your healing will become deeper! God never wastes an experience. He will use it for your good and for the good of others. 

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

God doesn't just allow things to happen. Scripture says He is working; He is working for our good. He will take intentional harm and use it to deepen our relationship with him. He works to grow us in our love for and dependence upon Him. Our purpose in this life is to go deeper in our love for Him and to be changed into his image. Our purpose is to help others find their way through the trials and pain of life so that they too can rest in His great love and mercy. Don't give up. Keep going knowing God is working in and for you. And then, when you are whole and healed, use the comfort you have found in God to comfort others in their time of need.

Today you need to take a moment and offer your pain to the Lord and tell your heart to beat again despite the pain.

I love you friend! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

He Cared More About Pleasing The People

Then Saul admitted to Samuel, "Yes, I have sinned.  I have disobeyed your instructions and the Lord's command, for I was afraid of the people and did what they demanded."
1 Samuel 15:24

Saul had reached his limit!  He had disobeyed God for the last time as king.  God would reject his kingship and remove him from power because of his disobedience.  But what did he do to get such a bad sentence?  He listened to man instead of God's instructions.  How often do we do the same?  We let man tell us this sin is not really sin.  We let man push us til we break and then we go running to God for forgiveness.  Life is hard!  Following God in a world that encourages us to follow sinful ways and accept sinful lifestyles is not an easy thing to do.  But God still expects us to do it!  No matter how hard it is we are still held accountable to God, and when we worry too much about what man will think we start to stumble.  I am just as guilty as the next friend who has a hard time with this.  Often, like Saul, we want to please people and seek their acceptence, but ultimately if a person asks us to compromise our faith or the commands God asks of us we should walk away and stick with God.  So today I encourage you to encourage others in this task.  Instead of making things harder on people, help them to make godly choices.  Don't join in on their gossip but help them to redirect their conversation so as not to sin against God.  When someone asks you to do something you know is wrong gently tell them you are not interested and trust that God will protect you.  Do what is right and godly even when everyone else is finding fun in the ungodly things.  Surround yourself with people who will correct you and encourage you to stay on the right path.  Most importantly know God's Word.  Spend time developing a relationship with Him and knowing who He is.  This will give you power and encouragement to continue maturing and making the right choices.  

Monday, August 29, 2016

Keep At It

Depend on God and keep at it because in the Lord God you have a sure thing. 
Isaiah 26:4 MSG

As I look back on my life, I see times where I was serving the Lord more faithfully than others. Times when I gave him my heart and my hands and feet followed in obedient service. And then, sadly I must say, there are times when my heart wandered. Times when the little gods grew bigger, and I lost my way.

Thinking on these things can make me feel sad and worthless; I feel like a failure. They can make me wonder what opportunities the Lord had for me that I missed. That's kind of how I felt when I awoke this morning, but then God reminded me of Samson. Samson was a man of God, mighty in strength and faith. He began strong in his ministry working for the Lord, but unfortunately his little god (love for women), distracted him and his ministry and work for the Lord lost it's effectiveness.  I used to think Samson's story ended here. He had failed to do what God had set before him. But today God reminded me that Samson kept at it. He failed, but then he continued on to greatness for the Lord. In one mighty act, Samson did more for the Lord than he possibly would have on the previous path he journeyed. God turned his willing heart around and used him for His glory. 

I have failed, but my heart still seeks the Lord. Sometimes I'm weary. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by my lack of steadfastness, but I keep at it! Why? Because the Lord reminds me that it's not about what I've done or failed to do. It's about what He's done! My eternity is a sure thing. He won't fail me because I failed him. He won't abandon me because my wandering heart abandoned him. I can rest assured that God holds a place for me in heaven with His beautiful son despite my failures and disobedience. And that alone is reason to smile and sing praises to His holy name!

GFF, Keep at it! Don't give up for in the Lord God you have a sure thing because of what He's done for you!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

“I have a special concern for you church leaders. I know what it’s like to be a leader, in on Christ’s sufferings as well as the coming glory. Here’s my concern: that you care for God’s flock with all the diligence of a shepherd. Not because you have to, but because you want to please God. Not calculating what you can get out of it, but acting spontaneously. Not bossily telling others what to do, but tenderly showing them the way.

When God, who is the best shepherd of all, comes out in the open with his rule, he’ll see that you’ve done it right and commend you lavishly. And you who are younger must follow your leaders. But all of you, leaders and followers alike, are to be down to earth with each other, for— God has had it with the proud, But takes delight in just plain people.

So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:1-7‬ ‭MSG

Today just reread this passage. Stop and allow God to speak to you. This passage is so beautiful and has so much to Speak to your heart.  Sit at His feet and allow your hungry souls to be fed!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wait On The Lord

 Just as Saul was finishing with the burnt offering, Samuel arrived.  Saul went out to meet and welcome him, but Samuel said, "What is this you have done?"
Saul replied, "I saw my men scattering from me, and you didn't arrive when you said you would, and the Philistines are at Micmash ready for battle.  So I said, 'The Philistines are ready to march against us at Gilgal, and I haven't even asked for the Lord's help!'  So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering myself before you came."
"How foolish!" Samuel exclaimed.  "You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you.  Had you kept it, the Lord would have established your kingdom over Israel forever."
1 Samuel 13:10-13 NLT

Saul felt his resources slipping away and he began to panic.  Although he was told to wait on Samuel to offer up a burnt offering, he went ahead and did it on his own.  So often we can relate to Saul.  In his moment of fear and worry, as the enemy was fast approaching and gaining strength, his own army was dwindling in numbers.  His soldiers were running away in fear and he began to feel his time was running out.  Saul took matters into his own hands.  Out of his fear he disobeyed God's orders to wait.   What seemed like the right thing to do in a moment of despair, and with little time to react he offered up a burnt offering because he thought it was the right thing to do.  He wasn't offering up his control or his trust in God's timing.  He was just going through the motions in order to protect himself.  God did not except the offering.  Saul's heart wasn't in it.  His trust in God's timing had failed.  He disobeyed and would lose his kingdom.  When we are faced with rush and panic fills our minds it is important to stay true to God's plan for us.  As we spend time with him daily we will know what is right and when to wait.  He will show us what to do and where to go and expect us to obey His call.  When your resources begin to disappear and things start to go in a direction you weren't expecting don't let your fear cause you to disobey God.  When you know what God wants make sure to follow Him regardless of what things look like and how they might end up.  Those bumps in the road and delays in our travel are often used to test our obedience and patience for bigger tasks ahead.   

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

You Are Adored!

I’m sure you’ve experienced the tingle in your heart when a child or grandchild just does the sweetest thing. Oh, maybe they say something cute, give you a homemade gift, or flash you that ornery look teasing and fun. Whatever it is, you just can’t help but smile and delight in the presence of this dear child.

Did you know that this is how the Lord sees you? It’s true. Psalm 149:4 says, 
For the Lord takes delight in his people
he crowns the humble with victory.”

I’m kind of a word nut, so I had to look up synonyms for the word delight. It made me smile to know that I could reword a portion of this scripture by saying:

The Lord adores me.
The Lord loves me.
The Lord glories in me.
The Lord savors time with me.
The Lord relishes in me.

But my favorite synonym is this...

The Lord ‘gets a kick out of’ me.

God ‘gets a kick out of ‘ me! He thinks I’m fun, witty, and a bring a tingle to his heart. He adores me as his child, and I make him smile! Isn’t that a great image of a father loving his child! Enjoy today, Friend, knowing that you are adored and that your daddy’s heart delights in you!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Pity Party

"Why are you crying, Hannah?"  Elkanah would ask.  "Why arent' you eating?  Why be downhearted just because you have no children?  You have me - isn't that better than having ten sons?"
1 Samuel 1:8

Hannah was going through a lot of turmoil and persecution from her husbands other wife.  She was unable to concieve a child and she was heartbroken.  What started out as a normal marriage (as normal as it can be when you share you husband with another wife) ended up painful and discouraging for Hannah.  She wanted so badly to have a child but year after year she was refused and the taunting continued.  Hannah was miserable and desperate to have a child of her own.  The words spoken to her by her husband reminded me of the pity parties we often find ourselves in.  Those times when we are encouraged to snap out of our sadness but we choose to stay there.  Her husband loved her so much and it broke his heart to see her so focused on one thing that she forgot the great love they shared.  He was trying so hard to remind her of the good things, although choosing himself may seem a little arrogant, he meant well by trying to get her mind off of the one thing she didn't have.  How often do we do the same thing as Hannah?  We get fixated on the one thing wrong and forget about the good things.  We fall into a pity party for ourselves and begin believing the lies satan tells us.  Hannah began to believe she was useless, that her love was inadequate for her husband because she could not give him a child.  She believed what society said about her and she fell into a depression.  Here her husband, who had every right to divorce her in those days, stayed with her because his love went deeper than man made laws.  His love for her could see past her bareness.  Hannah eventually walked away from her pity party.  She was able to pray to God and finally leave her pain and concern with God at the alter.  But only after years of living in sadness.  It's important that we all take this lesson from Hannah and grab hold of our true identity in Christ.  No matter who is making fun of us or what is going wrong in our lives we can always find something good.  There is always something to praise God for and there are always people who love us and want us to hand over our sadness and see them as a blessing in our lives.  Be thankful for what we have today instead of focusing on what we don't have.  

Continue reading 1 Samuel Chapter 1 to hear the whole story of Hannah. 

God's Blessings! 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Credit Where Credit is Due

With the Olympics going on it is easy to cheer for the grand accomplishments of our national athletes. Often we may find ourselves sitting back and admiring what each one has accomplished, and wondering how he/she was able to master such an event. Yet today's scripture reminds us where our awestricken feelings should really be focused.

 You may say to yourself, "My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth in me." But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.
Deuteronomy 8:17-18

Whether it's wealth or fame, intelligence or physical accomplishments God is the one who deserves the praise. It is his commitment to work for our good that allows us to succeed in any area. What are your successes? Do you give God the glory or do you marvel at your own accomplishments?

Friend, it's time we start giving credit where credit is due! It is God who allows us to succeed in your jobs or in any another task. It is God that has blessed us with athletic abilities or leadership qualities. Praise to God for the good things he brings forth in your life.

Dear God,
I could not have accomplished the things in my life without you. You are my strength, wisdom, and power. Thank you for loving me so tenderly and leading me to the place I am today. To you I give all glory, honor, and praise!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Go Above And Beyond

When Ruth went back to work again, Boaz ordered his young men, "Let her gather grain right among the sheaves without stopping her.  And pull out some heads of barley from the bundles and drop them on purpose for her.  Let her pick them up, and don't give her a hard time!"  Ruth 2:15-16

Boaz was a kind man.  He was sensitive to the needs of those he dealt with and he was generous with his riches.  He noticed Ruth was a hard worker, and he knew about her loyalty to her mother-in-law. Boaz didn't just give Ruth a job.  He went above and beyond what she needed from him.  Instead of just letting her work hard to earn the food she needed Boaz made sure that the men in his field treated her with respect.  He ordered them to make her work easy and he was happy to send her home with more than enough.  Boaz fed Ruth while she worked for him and he made sure she felt welcome and comfortable.  I found it pleasing to hear about how well he took care of Ruth.  Then it got me thinking of all the people I encounter.  Do I go above and beyond what is asked of me?  As I think about this in my own life I pose the same question to you.  I also encourage you to use your gifts and talents to do more than the minimum for someone today.  

For the whole story of Ruth and Boaz read the Book of Ruth chapters 1-4.

Dear God, you put people into my life for reasons only you know fully.  Help me to take the time to go above and beyond for someone.  Let your Spirit lead me to care for the people in my life.  Change my heart to be more like Boaz.  In Jesus' Name......Amen  

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Live For The Glory Of God

When he died, he died once to break the power of sin.  
But now that the lives, he lives for the glory of God.
Romans 6:10

After reading this scripture, the first thing on my mind was that I want to live for the Glory of God.  Everything I do and say and believe in should be pointing to God.  When I am weak I want to trust God and point people to my savior.  When I am successfull I want to boast in God's provision and let everyone know that He lives in me providing all good things.  When I am at fault I want to glorify God by asking for forgiveness and accepting His amazing grace.  As I live a live centered on Christ I want to glorify Him in all circumstances, good or bad.  It isn't an easy thing to do but it's the only way to find joy in all situations.  In the bad things that happen daily we can't move forward and hold onto our joy if we don't find a way to glorify God in our troubles.  Glorifying God is accepting the good and the bad and pointing all people and ourselves to the one true God.  When our life is falling apart and we are undergoing horrible circumstances there is always hope in the Lord.  There is always something we can be thankful for.  Some things harder to find than others but if we are centered on God it's always visible.  

Christ died to glorify God.  He gave his life to end the destruction of sin on our souls and He now lives to glorify His Father.  Going through all the torment and torture so that one day we could carry on that glory.  Just like Jesus, we can glorify God through our trust in Him and our obedience to His call.  Thank God today for all He is and provides and make a vow to live your life centered on Christ and carry on His call to bring glory to God.  Blessings!!   

Friday, August 12, 2016

Ordinary People

"But Lord," Gideon replied, "how can I rescue Israel?  My clan is weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least in my entire family!"
The Lord said to him, "I will be with you.  And you will destroy the Midianites as if you were fighting against one man."
Judges 6:15-16

I have had many moments like the one Gideon experienced in this passage.  I've found myself in situations where I have felt less than.  I have told God no because of my fear and my misunderstanding.  I have refused God's call because I have thought I wasn't capable of success.  And, like Gideon, I have even doubted God and asked Him for proof that it was really Him leading me into what seemed like an impossible task.  And in reading this I have realized one thing.  The hero's in the bible and their stories that grow our faith come from people no different from you and me.  The examples that grow us and challenge us come from normal people with normal lives!  Gideon wasn't a powerful man with wealth and amazing ability.  He was like us, scared, weak and doubtful, but with faith and a promis from God, he was ready to believe that his success would come.  He was encouraged to trust in God!  And from this story we should be encouraged to trust, as well.  God is our source of whatever we need.  He asks very difficult things of us but He is always with us to support us.  Gideon may have messed up and tested God but that just proves that he is real.  We mess up too, but God still chooses to stick by us and supply the strength needed to complete His will.  

Often I separate myself from the bible.  It is a book with such wisdom and guidance that it is easy for me to forget that the people were normal.  They aren't made up stories just to teach me lessons and give me guidance.  The bible is encouragement!  Special stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things!  We too have stories that are extraordinary.  We are ordinary people asked to do some very hard, extrordinary things, but with God we are victorious!  Be encouraged to trust God's call on your life today!  Put aside all the things against you and just trust that God is bigger!  Think on all the bible stories that have grown your faith and allow yourself to live out those stories today.  

Extra reading: Judges 6 and 7

Dear God, help my faith to not falter.  I don't want to doubt your call on my heart nor my ability to accomplish anything you might ask.  Forgive me when I question you and give me the strength to answer yes right away.  Thank you for the bible and the stories that come alive when I sit with you. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Super Strength

My flowerbed is where I so often hear clearly from the Lord. Oh, it's not an audible voice, but rather the subtle nudges and prompting of God's spirit as I ponder the goings on in my life.

Yesterday as I pulled weeds (which were the size of a toddler) I was thinking to myself that I had just been in this bed less than 2 weeks ago. I had removed all the visible weeds and turned the soil over with a hoe. I had sprayed to prevent future weeds.  Yet, I was amazed at the rate at which these weeds grew. And in my non-reality mind when I had pulled them I had expected them to remain gone. But, that surely didn't happen.

I felt God speaking through this thought that came to my heart.... You need a super strength spray to put them down for good. Now, let me explain why that thought meant so much. I had Ben talking with a friend that has battled an addiction for most of her life. It's not an obvious addiction, but one that plagues her deeply and quietly. She's done so much to put the addiction down. Yet, temptation causes her to fail and fight.  I've been praying for ways to help her. And as I pulled weeds, I felt God telling me she's been fighting in her own power and not with His super natural power. And it will be my prayer and conversation with her to invite God, through His Spirit's power, to help her deal with the roots that give her trouble.

You see, it's like fighting weeds. You can pull them, get all the visible plant pulled, spray the surface and everything looks good. But, below the surface there is a tiny root that didn't get dealt with so it grows. Often coming back with a vengeance! It's time to call in the professionals and have them put on some heavy duty, super-strength weed killer!

Our life in Christ is the same. We can deal with the surface issues and the visible signs of our sins, hurts, and fears but only God's strength can truly help us die to our sin and live in freedom- to daily, even momentarily put it down. Only with Christ can we have long term freedom !

Friend, today I pray you will invite the Lord to come into an area of your life that hove been fighting in your own power. Trust him. Depend on him. And let his super-strength overcome!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Dominating Thoughts

And don't be concerned about what to eat and what to drink.  
Don't worry about such things.  
These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world, 
but your Father already knows your need.
Luke 12:29-30 

God is our source; everything we need is provided through His love.  There may be times we don't get what we want but He will always provide what we need.  He knows us better than we know ourselves and He is the master of good gifts!  We must never let thoughts of fear and worry dominate our day.  Worrying about our health, our job, our family and a whole slew of things can really take the joy out of our day.  Just like unbelievers who don't know God and trust Him, we too can get sucked into a fear that overtakes us.  With no hope in God, and no trust in He who saves us in all circumstances, we can fall victim to defeat and destruction caused by our own fear.  That fear comes from untruth and satan is behind it one hundred percent of the time.  The fears that dominate a nonbeliever should not dominate us.  We are vicotious in Jesus Christ and no matter what the circumstance we face, we are ultimatley winners!  We must not fear what tomorrow might bring, don't worry about such things!  But trust that whatever happens has God's hands all over it.  Our Father knows our needs and He has been working on them since before the day we were formed in our mothers womb!  

Dear Loving God, 
Thank you for knowing my needs and taking care of them for me.  I am free to hand over my worries and thoughts trusting that you have all of my concerns taken care of.  I don't want to worry about things that steal my joy.  I want to live a life full of praise and confidence because I know that no matter what you are in charge.  You are my provider and my source and I thank you.  Amen          

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Sing Along Saturday

Celebrating this beautiful morning!  Thanking God that we are never too far gone that He can't find us!  There is no place we have been that can cause us to lose His love!  There is no place we are that we can't escape and return to His arms!  God loves us because that's who He is!  He is Love!

Today, say a prayer of thankfulness for God's relentless pursuit of you, for His patience and devotion to your life and His unmatched love.  
Also, enjoy this song by Jordan Feliz titled Never Too Far Gone     

Friday, August 5, 2016

Getting Back on Track

Summer has its way of changing things. Positively summer refreshes and renews. Evenings are spent talking, resting and enjoying the warmth of the season outside by the pond. Schedules are relaxed and fluid with one event gently melting into another as opposed to the forced, rigid schedules of the school year. This is my favorite thing about summer... doing what I want when I want to do it!

But this lack of routine has a negative effect also. The time comes when I need a schedule. My lack of routine leaves me with wasted moments and unfinished tasks. That time is now! I'm ready for a bit of routine, although, just a bit! It's time to get back on track! I have become complacent!

In the past this might have meant creating my 'still to do list', feeling sadness over the failure to complete various tasks and setting a new scheduled daily/weekly routine. But this summer God has shown me a lot about resting. He is to be my priority, followed by my husband, family and friends. If I can wake looking forward to the privelegde of serving God each day, he will fill in my schedule. He will help me determine the most important items and help me have the courage to allow things to remain undone.

As you send the kids back to school, reprioritize your days, and get back on track, be careful. Be aware of leaving margin in your day; Allow time for God to lead you to divine appointments and sweet moments spent with Him alone. Be careful not to jam your schedule with things you feel you must do when what God really wants is for you just to be... be in his presence, be thankful, be loving, be available for Him and His works.

Help me to get back on track. Help me to allow you to direct my steps. As I work to organize my days show me how to prioritize and constantly surrender to the changes you make in my path. Teach me the value of margin and focus. In your name I pray, Amen.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Talk Before Fighting

Joshua 22

Before they could go back to their families and return to the land promised them by God the eastern tribes had to help the other tribes fight for land on the west side.  They had worked hard and followed through with the work they were given.  Now it was time for them to return to their homes on the east side.  Joshua praised them for a job well done and sent them on their way leaving them with these words:

But be very careful to obey all the commands and the instructions that Moses gave to you.  Love the Lord your God, walk in all his ways, obey his commands, hold firmly to him, and serve him with all your heart and all your soul.  
Joshua 22:5

Just before they returned to their land they stopped to build a large altar.  When the rest of Israel heard about this they were angry.  Immediately they assumed the altar was for worshipping other God's and they prepared to go to war with them.  Before a fight broke out they followed Moses' earlier instructions which called for a delegation.  A group was sent to talk to the tribes and find out what they were doing.  Instead of a large fight breaking out they found out that the altar was not built to worship other gods and start up a new religion.  The altar was built as a reminder for all people, on both sides of the river, to know that they served the same Almighty God.  

This story serves as a great remineder of the importance of asking first.  Had they just gone on their assumptions a huge fight would have occured for nothing.  The west tribes would have taken innocent lives!  Instead they followed the rules, talked to the tribes first and found out that they were doing nothing wrong and a fight was not neccessary.  I had to think to myself how often I assume things and get angry over something I don't know is true  How often do I get mad at people because I assume they are doing something to hurt me?  I was remineded the importance of communicating and going to the source of my feelings to get the truth and talk out an issue.  God wants this for our lives!  God wants us to use wisdom and love when dealing with quesionable situations.  He wants us to talk out our issues instead of assuming and jumping to conclusions.  Fighting isn't always the right answer.  Getting angry and assuming things doesn't usually get us relief nor does it solve any problems.  

Dear God, help me to stop assuming things.  Like the story in Joshua, give me boldness to go to the person or people who hurt me and talk things out before a fight occurs.  Remind me, in the heat of an issue, that I don't always know everything and that wisdom comes from doing things Your way.  Give me words to have discussions with the people who hurt me and help me to work things out in a godly way.  Give me patience as I wait with You........In Jesus' Name  Amen 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Rest and Relax

Come to me all who are weary and burdened , and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11: 28-30

So often I look forward to summer so I can rest and relax. I have this vision of spending my days reading books, floating on the pond, visiting with friends, and drinking tea on the patio. However, my summer days often become just like many others... rushed, running, and rattled. 

Today my sweet little Emma reminded me to just stop, relax and take in the day God has made. As I watched her floating in the pond I was in awe at her peace and my heart smiled. She just knew how to take in God's provision. No worries. No fears of tomorrow.... Just resting and relaxing! 

How about you? Do summers wear you out with ballgames, festivities, and yard work. Take time today to just enjoy the day God has given you! Hand him your worries. Give him your fears. Decide what must be done today and what can wait until tomorrow. Rest and Relax!