Saturday, May 23, 2015

Why'd You Do That?

Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. Romans 15:2 NIV

Check your motives! Why do you do what you do? Do you do nice things for others so they will like you? I believe that years ago that was my motivation for many of things I did or didn't do. Out of fear of rejection and a need for approval, I did things so that others would accept me. At the time I didn't realize why I did what I did or didn't do, but at one time I became so weary and felt unfulfilled within myself. It was then that God revealed the motivation of my heart. I thought I was being kind and loving, but there was a selfish undertone.
This scripture reminds me to be aware of my motives. And, because our hearts are deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9), we need the Holy Spirit to keep us in check. We need to continually be in communion with the Spirit to keep our motives pure.
The way we treat others needs to be motivated by 'real love'. This is a love that cares more about the other person's good than our own. Sometimes that means doing and sometimes that means refraining, but either way, it is a love motivated for their good. Real love is the way God love us- unselfishly, unconditionally, and knowing that the love may not be returned.
Check your motives!

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