Friday, May 15, 2015

Set Free!

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36

I am so often learning lessons through my children and grandchildren. I don't believe God just gave us children so we could teach and lead them. I believe he uses them to show us his greatness, his truths, and his character. 

Last week our little Emma got a bit sassy with me. So, I put her in time-out on the steps just as her momma would have done. She cried and whined for a few minutes, and then I went in to explain again why she was in time out. Emma told me why she was on the steps, I said my piece about not doing it again, hugged her and affirmed my love for her,  and told her she was free to go. However, she sat on the steps and cried and whined for another 5 minutes.

As I stood in the kitchen listening to the ongoing whine, I thought about her choice. I had forgiven her, set her free from her consequences, yet she didn't get up. I wonder how often I've done the same thing. God convicts me of sin, I repent, he forgives me and says, "Go child and sin no more." But I waller. I cry. I stay stuck in the pain and regret of what I've done. I don't step out and enjoy my freedom.

It's an easy thing to do; It's easy to become comfortable in our pit. But God never intended for us to be in a pit, let alone stay there. Today as you read His word and reflect on your own story, do you need to just get up and go on! You have been set free! His love and grace are enough! 

You are free indeed! 

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