Tuesday, May 5, 2015

God Is Working In Us

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.
Philippeans 2:13

Who do you want to be when you grow up?  Is there a job you wish to have, or a ministry you want to accomplish?  Are there character traits you hope to acquire?  Maybe you wish to gain more patience or self control.  All of us have plans for our future.  We have dreams for our lives and there are things that we must do or accomplish to make these dreams our reality.  Some of us have been working hard for years trying to pursue our dreams and gain the wisdom, strength or characteristics needed to be successful in reaching our goals.  And even more of us haven't begun.  He have thoughts for our future.....things we wish to see or do.  We know the person we dream to be but we give up because it seems to far out of our reach.  Or maybe this dream isn't for ourselves but for another person you love and adore.  Is there a special someone in your life who you dream big dreams for?  Do you know someone who is far from cashing in on the potential you know he or she has to be a success in life?  What about those friends of yours who don't quite understand how God works.  They don't trust that Jesus Christ is their savior and because of something tragic in their past they don't believe they are loved unconditionally.  That cousin or uncle you have that is in a rough spot, making bad decisions because they don't understand Who they belong to, or that child or spouse who is struggling because they don't know Jesus as their savior and friend.  We all know one person who is making bad decisions and is constantly getting himself into trouble.  That special person who has so much potential yet he is so far away that you think he will never get things right.  Friends, as long as we are praying for ourselves striving to make the right decisions and focusing on living in God's will, God will give us the desire and power to do what pleases Him.  And our friends and loved ones who we pray for constantly, this promise is for them too!  Yes, God will give them the power and desire to do what pleases him when we are seeking His help in their lives daily.  This is a true and wonderful promise that brings hope to our dreams of a different future!  God dreams for all of us to be in His will and to be doing the things He has made us for.  We can count on Him never giving up on us as long as we are seeking Him and praying for those who need Him.  Won't you claim this promise in your own life and for the life of that friend who needs God's intervention?  

Dear God you never cease to amaze me with your Word!  You have promised so much to us!  Thank you for never giving up on people, and for hearing our prayers.  Help me to be the person you dream for me.  Give me patience to wait on your dreams and your timing.  Please be with _______________, pursuing him/her daily until he/she knows You and accepts this promise in his/her own life.  Make us both into a person who pleases you.  In Jesus' Name......Amen   

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