Monday, December 15, 2014

Pure Wisdom

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure.  It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others.  It is full of mercy and good deeds.  It shows no partiality and is always sincere.  And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness.
James 3:17-18

We all have things going on in our lives that we don't necessarily agree with.  It could be a friend's habit, a bosses orders, a child's choice in activity or sport, or a spouse's decision to ban family vacations for a year (no my spouse did not do this).  Things are happening everyday that we don't have control over.  People are making decisions all around us that we don't hold any power in affecting or changing.  When things happen in our lives, that we don't agree with, how do we handle those moments and how do we know that we are handling them God's way or our way?  I often seek God's wisdom when I don't like what is happening my life.  I usually want to change what is occurring and so I seek His answers in solving the problem at hand.  Unfortunately I have come up short most every time.  I think I have the wisdom and answers, my human mind can convince me of most everything I am in favor of, and I go about doing something to try and change a circumstance without making sure I am holding to the character of Jesus Christ, but still claiming I am doing what God has told me to do. 

Last night I ran across this scripture that shows exactly how we can know if our actions and decisions fall under God's wisdom or if they are just something we have come up with on our own.  Our actions or reactions to something we don't agree with must, first of all, be pure.  We can't have them come from thoughts of anger, jealousy or selfish ambition.  Our desire to change a situation or question someone's choices have to be out of respect for that person.   Our goal cannot be to disrupt the peace. We must be gentle in our dealings with people and yield to their desires and interests, which can be the hardest thing to do sometimes.  Just because we don't agree with something that is happening, if no one is in danger and it is just to change something to better align with our desires, we shouldn't be trying to fix it.  If our motives aren't pure, then what we think is the right thing to do may not be so right, and most likely isn't wisdom from heaven.  Following God's wisdom means we are full of mercy and good deeds, even when what is happening drives us crazy and we really don't agree with what is taking place, we should show mercy and be kind to the person we disagree with.  Remember unless we are opposing sin or something that can harm someone, we might want to think twice before we fight it.  When we decide to speak up we must not choose a side and be adamant that our way is the only way.  We must be partial to the others involved and allow everyone to have their opinion in the matter.  Wisdom from God does not demand it's does not demand its own way (1 Corinthians 13:5).

Planting seeds of peace takes wisdom that only God can provide.  We can think we are doing something that is of God and asked of us by God but unless we hold true to His character we are just acting out of selfishness and worldly wisdom.  And are our actions planting peace or disrupting peace?  And most importantly, have we asked God what we should do regarding the issue or have we just taken off and run with our emotions and opinions?

Dear God, forgive me for all the times I have disrupted the peace.  I am so sorry for getting impatient and acting without You and for all the times I have acted out of selfishness.  For the many times I was foolishly able to convince myself that how I was acting was what You asked of me, and for giving You a bad name.  Help me to take the time to check my motives and actions, making sure they align with Your character.  God, I don't ever want to act out of selfishness or jealousy but always stick to handling things Your way.  In Jesus' Name......Amen     

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