Wednesday, July 23, 2014

God Determines Our Steps

Human plans, no matter how wise or well advised, cannot stand against the Lord.
Psalm 21:30

For weeks before the 4H fair I had begun praying for my daughter and her horse.  She had been working very hard 4 days a week, all summer, to train a new horse because her original horse had been injured just a few months before the fair.  This new horse had never competed in a show before.  When they took her to the arena for practice she was easily spooked so being around all the people, new sights and sounds was going to be a challenge for her.  My prayers were more for the horse than they were for my daughter.  I knew she was prepared but I wanted her hard work to pay off for her.  For
this to happen she needed a calm horse, not easily spooked.  Camille needed to be on her best behavior.  Right as my daughter was to head out to perform I laid my hands on her horse and prayed, and my response from her was a loud whinny but I trusted God to handle what was to come.

As you can see from the picture my prayers were not answered.  Camille was not calm and she was spooked into bucking and rearing.  I was disappointed for my daughter who I knew would be upset.  But of course, what I thought was a disaster, ended up being a blessing, because the event she was in was one judging the handler and his/her ability to keep control of the horse .  My daughter did an excellent job!  Her skills were shown because her horse acted up and she was able to redirect her and get her back into position.  My plans for her my not have gotten her a trophy and second place but, of course, Gods' plans were in her best interest.  God knew what was needed and he allowed the horse to act up in order to show my daughter's skills.  My human plans were short of God's perfect plan and I smile when I think of it.  Something small like a horse show was able to convince me once again of God's amazing ability to know all.  It proved to me all over again that He is so faithful in all our circumstances and when we are praying and trusting Him with something He will be there to help us out.  He knows the desires of our hearts and He wants what is best for us!  My plans were for my daughter to succeed and I thought she needed a calm horse for that but God proved to me that although we make our plans He decides the steps  (Proverbs 16:9)


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