Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Mark 1:35
I love summer! Not just because I'm a teacher and I have vacation, but because I love the change of routine. The sun is up early and stays out late. We can watch movies late into the night. The afternoons are filled with fun as people come and go at the pond, or we work on projects around the house that have been put off for an entire school year. Rainy days can be especially glorious because they require a slowed pace and most likely a nap!
But all this change in my routine isn't good either. I have a list; it's a long 'to do' list. I wake up each morning ready to tackle a project so that I can cross it off the list. I start thinking early in the day about who I need to meet with or what my plan for the day is going to be. The problem is that I get out of my devotional routine. I'm used to waking early and spending time alone with Jesus before work. As the summer wears on, I often find myself thinking, "Oh, I can just do 'this' and then I'll sit down for some quiet time." Well, 'this' turns into 'that' and 'that' turns into 'one more thing' and before I know it, it's evening and I've spent an entire day doing what I want to do and not what Jesus had planned for me.
Jesus knew that life was busy once the sun came up. So, he woke early, got away from the people who would need something from him, and spent time alone with his Father. Let us not wait another day to get back on track or to begin a quiet prayer time early in the morning.
Dear Jesus,
Through your Spirit, call us into quiet time with you. Teach us the value of beginning our day in your presence so that we can surrender our will in exchange for yours. Show us your love and mercy as the day begins so that we are filled and can share it with others as we meet them on the path that the day holds. We thank you for the example that you set for us in devotion and prayer. In your name we pray,