Friday, February 28, 2014


I am a weepy mess lately. I cried as I text my daughter the other day because the children playing at recess reminded me of my sweet granddaughter. I began to worry about myself until I searched the Bible for "tears" and found that tears are actually very therapeutic. There are criers all throughout the Bible!

Genesis 29: 9-13 tells of a time when Jacob sees Rachel for the first time. He cries tears of joy.

Genesis 43:30-31 tell of tears of joy as Joseph is reunited with his brothers.

1 Samuel 3:1-7 tell of Hannah's tears of bitter sorrow as she weeps because of her barren womb and   broken heart.

David cried with "loud weeping and many tears" over the death of his son. 2 Samuel 13:35-37

Esther's tears were tears of pleading as she fought for her people. Esther 8:3-6

Psalm 116:7-8 David cries tears of relief as deliverance comes.

In Psalm 119: 129-136 tears shed because of the lack of love for God's word.

Joel 2:12-13 expresses tears of repentance over sin.

Tears are cleansing! They free us by releasing our emotions. As the tears flow the overwhelming emotion is set free, and we are left feeling lighter and released! Tears happen when our pride is broken and in our humble state we allow raw emotion to surface. Tears fertilize the soil of our hearts in order to grow the seeds that have been planted!

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