Sunday, February 16, 2014

Love of a Friend

Wounds from a friend can be trusted,
    but an enemy multiplies kisses. Proverbs 27:6

With the recent celebration of Valentine’s Day, Love has been the main topic of discussion. But today I’m going to challenge you with this Proverb. The world views love as a warm, fuzzy feeling. It is seen as always pleasant and cheerful. Many are the people who want to be built up by the words of another, but few are those who want to hear the truth.

This Proverb tells us that a real friend will love us enough to speak the truth in love because it is for our betterment. The hurt that comes from a true friend’s love and honesty is much better than the sweet words of a person who doesn’t really love us.  A true friends is willing to risk the negative reaction that we might initially give because they know that the direction we are headed leads to danger or even death. A real friend speaks the words that we really don’t want to hear but are the exact words that we need to hear. 

Now, think of your best friends. Do they tell you when you are wrong, or do they just smile and let you make foolish mistakes? Do your friends confront you or avoid conflict? As a friend, are you willing to speak truth to your friend or is their approval more important than the truth?

Lord, today we ask for Godly friends. Lead us to those friends that will speak truth and life into us. Teach us how to speak openly and honestly with each other not to prove ourselves right, but rather to uphold your word and prove that your ways are right! Bless our friendships, Lord, so that we do not compromise your word for the approval of another. Amen

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