Friday, November 6, 2015

The Lord Stood With Me

The first time I was brought before the judge, no one came with me.  Everyone abandoned me.  May it not be counted against them.  But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength so that I might preach the Good News in its entirety for all the Gentiles to hear.  And he rescued me from certain death.
2 Timothy 4:16-17

We all can relate to having at least one special friend who we can count on.  I cannot imagine going through suffering and condemnation without at least one of my girls by my side.  I honestly can say, if I were Paul, I would struggle not being angry with my friends who left me hanging.  I don't know if I could just brush it off and pray for them.  I would be sad and so hurt that it would be hard to understand.  As I grow in Christ my desire is to be so sure of Jesus' place in my life that I don't have to worry who is with me or against me.  I want to be so secure in God and know that I know that I know that God is standing with me in every moment giving me strength.  I am so blessed with the special friends I have and I know that they are gifts straight from God, friends who will stand by me and cry with me and lead me out of pits and darkness, but if they ever leave or forsake me I know that I have a God that still stands with me.  I am never alone.  I am never forgotten.  It's who I am!  Deeply loved and protected and forgiven.  

Father I thank you for your unconditional love for me.  I thank you for my faithful friends who have not let me down.  When I start to doubt who I am grab me and pull me close to You.  Give me the strength to face my battles today and make it possible for me to be certain in who I am in in You.  No matter who is with me or against me remind me that you are right beside me.  In Jesus' Name     Amen

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