Thursday, November 12, 2015

Commit Your Fears To God

Those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful creator and continue to do good.  
1 Peter 4:19

Suffering is painful and sometimes long.  It can be due to our own choices, other people's choices, nature or illness.  God doesn't like the hurt and distress we experience through suffering but He will always allow us to go through it when He knows the positive change it can produce in our life and the lives around us.  With God's perspective we can see when bad things end up having good outcomes, although, in the moment our eyes are sometimes blurred by our fear and grief.  Stepping back we can see that the hardest things in life force us to rely on something bigger and bring us blessings that come with a stronger understanding and relationship with God.  With Jesus we have a hope that outweighs the pain and the hurt.  When desperate our trust rises to overcome our fear and we begin to feal stronger and at peace.  Often during a stressfull situation these feelings of trust and fear will battle moment by moment and it's difficult to keep our eyes on God.  Our big world tells us to worry and give up but our Bigger God tells us to give it up.  Our God says let go, hand it all over to Him and never give in to your fear and panic.  Don't give up on God but give your worry to God.  Commit your everything, your whole world and all the people in it, to your faithful creator who knows what to do in all circumstances.  Fix your eyes on the One who is faithful and never changing.  Focus on His power in your life and continue to do the good things He calls you to.  

Dear God, be with all who are suffering today.  Help them to find their peace through trusting in You.  Open their eyes to your healing power and the hope that comes from Jesus Christ.  Give them the strength to commit to You and hand over their hurt, disappointment, fear and pain.  Teach them the things only You can through their questions and discomfort and show up Big in their life.  God we don't like suffering, we want it to end quickly.  Give us patience while You work and give us strength for each day.  In Jesus' Healing Name   Amen        

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