Monday, January 12, 2015

Whiter than Snow

"Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow."
Psalm 51:7

Snow days are amazing! Not just because they may bring an unexpected day home with family, but because they are beautiful. I love to see the morning sun come up over the snow. The glistening, glittering sparkles just make me happy. The purity of the morning snow is refreshing and seems to offer hope! 
In today's verse, I'm reminded of all that we are offered in Christ's death for our sins. We are made right and pure before our holy heavenly Father. We are cleansed upon asking forgiveness of our sins- past, present and future. Sins that we are aware of, and sins that we unknowingly have committed are washed away, and we are made pure; We are made whiter than snow! Can you even imagine the dazzling beauty of a heart whiter than snow?
As the day moves on, the snow loses its luster as cars travel the roads, and footprints and shovels change the perfect drifts to obscured forms. I find that as this happens I'm ready for the snow to melt and be gone. Our hearts should long for this purging as well. 
Throughout our day, let us make time today and each day to ask for a pure heart. Seek forgiveness and to be convicted of areas that need to be washed clean. I've heard it said before to keep a short account with God. We should long to keep that pure, glistening white heart before our Lord. 

Dear Lord,
I thank you today for the beauty of the snowfall. I thank you for the reminder of your gift of cleansing and forgiveness. Give me a heart that is honest and true, a heart that seeks to be used by you for your glory and honor. In your holy and precious name I pray.

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