Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Open Up

"By opening up with others you'll prompt people to open up with God this generous Father in Heaven."  
Matthew 5:16 MSG

I have a concern today. I fear that at times we, as Christians, appear all too put together.

I wonder, "Are we really being honest with one another about our hurts and weaknesses?" I'm not saying we should share and air all our dirty laundry to the entire church and community. But to those outside the faith and to fellow Christians, do we really look like people who need Jesus? Do we make others feel welcome knowing that we have issues, heart aches, and struggles just like them? The difference being, we don't handle ours alone, but rather with the faithfulness of a loving God and Father and a fellowship of believers. We struggle through our issues with hope and assurance in the One who knows our future.

Today's scripture encourages us to be honest with others- to open up our hearts and share what's going on inside. Part of accountability and the idea of GFF's (God First Friends) is to be transparent. If we aren't honest with those who we can see and who can hold us when we hurt, how can we ever be open and honest with a God who we can't see and touch?

Jesus was compassionate. In story after story he meets with Christians and the lost, but the overwhelming theme is that he looks at them with compassion. He sees into their hearts, understands their pains, pasts, and fears. Friends we can't have this same compassion if we don't open our hearts and share what's within us. If we shut off our tears, bind up our fears, and give a persona of strength that's not real, we create fear in others who are feeling weak and broken. I fear we make ourselves look too strong instead of looking like real hurting people who are being upheld by the strength of an invisible, amazing God!

God is a God of relationship. He wants us to get honest with him. To speak our hurts. To cry. To wrestle with our emotions. He wants us to look to him for healing and answers.And he wants us to uphold one another in the same way. It's healthy to cry. There is healing in the wrestling! So if you cry in public, it's ok. If a friend asks how you are, be honest and allow them to pray with you. Because chances are, they will soon return the favor!

It is when we conceal our hurts that the healing won't come. Unresolved anger results in bitterness. Pain suppressed shuts off our emotions. Unexpressed fears render us ineffective. Unconfessed sin distances us from God.

Today my prayer for us is to "Get Real" with God and others! Love ya!

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