"Bring all the tithes into the storehouses so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do," says the Lord of Heaven's Armies, "I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it all in! Try it! Put me to the test!
Malachi 3:10
This is the scripture today found on my bible app called Youversion. I didn't necessarily want to use it because I know you all may have it and my human thinking says it might be better to use this another day so that you can receive a fresh scripture of encouragement today. But the more I read it and the more God presses on my heart, I can't delay it. This scripture, although in context is speaking of repentance and urging the people to give God all of the tithes He so deserves, if taken out of context it can be better applied to my life right now. When I read it, and especially at the end, it's as if God is saying to me, "Go ahead, give me all you've got. Your whole life, including your kids, your money, your plans for tomorrow, give it all to me and see what happens. Go ahead try me. See what I can do with your obedience. See my faithfulness. See just how much I can prove my love for you! See how I can work all things for good for you. Don't be afraid of anything but be confident in me. Give me all you've got and I'll give you so much you can't even imagine. You will be bubbling over with peace and joy. You will have not a single thing to worry about, I will provide your every need. Just try me!"
This, friends, brings me so much encouragement on a day I feel like giving up. I am weak and feeling sad over the recent circumstances in my life and today is a day I just want to stay in bed. Today is a day I don't want to face my sadness and grief, I just want it to be over. God lifts me up and says, once again, "Just trust me........give me all you've got today, offer me a sacrifice of praise, put on a smile when you feel like you just can't, get out of bed for me..........go love others, test my unending love and faithfulness........you won't be disappointed." Won't you join me in giving God our very best today? Go ahead, put Him to the test, see just how much He has in store for you!
Dear God, thank you for this reminder to be persistent in offering myself to you. On a day I feel like just doing my own thing or staying in bed feeling sorry for my circumstances I am reminded that I need to give you all I have. I am not only to offer up my tithes weekly, but also offer up my life to you, the One who knows best for me. Your promise to deliver is encouraging and gives me hope. I love your ways! In Jesus' Name.........Amen