Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Keep A Written Record

At the Lord's instruction, Moses kept a written record of their progress....
Numbers 33:2

God instructed Moses to keep a record of all the things they did as they traveled the desert for 40 years.  He was to keep track of not only their geographical progress but their spiritual progress too.  In the end, when it was time to cross into the land God had promised them, Moses was told to read his journal to the people.  He was able to remind them of all the times God helped them, the times that they made mistakes or the miracles that God perfomed along the way.  Having those notes made it possible for the Israelites to see God's hand in their journey, especially becuase many of the people were young and did not experience all of the happenings.  Moses' journal was their proof of God walking with them through every obstacle and every beautiful moment!  

God is good and it is important for us to follow His presence in our lives.  Keeping a journal will help us to look back on the answered prayers we have experienced, the things He has taught us through His word and lead us to growth and new wisdom.  God wants us to keep a record of His goodness, so that we can share that with others and ourselves.  

Write out your prayers, your hurts and your blessings!  Copy scripture that speaks to you.  Take notes from a meaningful devotion.  Get involved in your quiet time and keep record of the things God teaches you.  It will be something that you can look back on in need, in praise and to help another along the way.  God wants to be shared!  

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