"I love organizing the Vacation Bible School helpers, but I want at least one year's notice if my story tellers decide they are finished so I can hand over the leadership to another person who will have to find their replacement. They are awesome, and I have no idea who would ever replace them. It's a big role and not just anyone can do it."
I had just spoken these words to my mother about 3 hours before I got the unexpected text...
"I am so sorry, but I am unable to work at Bible School this year. My work commitment won't
allow it..."
My mind instantly said, "Alert! Alert! Someone help here!" Panic mode threatened to set in. But, my heart said, "Don't worry! It's God's story, and He knows just who will share it." I closed the phone, prayed for guidance, and went to sleep. (Note, this is not my typical response, but a recent study with my friends on remaining in God's peace allowed me to rest in His arms.)
The following day I again prayed, asking God for the right person to lead this integral part of VBS. Two names came to my mind and instantly I had the thought of dismissing them. One gal, Mandi, had already told me she only wanted a part-time position this year and the other was dynamic at the position I used her in last year, so I didn't want to risk moving her. Yet, their names stayed on my heart. So, I emailed them.
Mandi text me instantly saying she wasn't comfortable in the role (panic threatened), but then she said that she knew someone who would be amazing if she would accept the position (sigh of hope). The call was made; the commitment graciously and enthusiastically accepted! God had provided! (in less than 24 hours at that!)
In stating all of this, I'm mostly reminded of radical obedience. I didn't want to send the email. I thought it was a waist of time. But, God knew that I needed to make this contact in order to me to the person I needed to fill this position. His promptings are small and quiet. His ways may seem silly to us. But in obedience we do what he asks knowing all the while that He is in control.
If I had failed to send the email, I would have missed a great blessing of ease in replacing the leadership. I would have forfeited my peace over the situation by looking and trying to figure it out on my own. And the program would have suffered because my solution would not have been the best.
Lord, help us to be obedient to your commands and promptings, even when we cannot see where they lead. Amen
I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.
Psalm 119:60