Friday, April 15, 2016


Have you never heard?
Have you never understood?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary.
No one can measure the depths of his understanding.
Isaiah 40:28

Some mornings I wake up already trying to find a time and place to fit a nap into my day.  We all get tired.  Our busy schedules and deadlines at work don't allow our minds to rest and our lifestyle whether it be a house full of kids and activities, or the other things we find interesting, won't allow our bodies to rest.  In fact, those things that are sometimes supposed to give us rest are the very things in our lives that wear us out!  Let's face it, we are a busy people!  Find comfort in knowing that when your gas tank is on empty and you are struggling to find the energy to keep moving there is a God who never gets weak or weary.  We have a God Who is on full 100% of the time and we can go to him day or night to find His Words will fill us up with the encouragement, hope and energy we need to continue.  Oh the tank may not last long, and we may find ourselves refueling often, but Praise The Lord we have a place to go for renewal!  God undesrstands us and our needs.  He waits for us to go to him and has just what we need waiting......a special friend, a special Word, the sweetness of a butterfly, the blessing of a smile.....God's waiting to refuel our bodies, minds and spirit!  Let's go to Him today!       

1 comment:

  1. Perfection!!! Wow did I need this today-- crazy schedules and a crazier weekend! We can and will find rest in Him!!!


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