Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Depend On Him

The lord is good to those who depend on him,
to those who search for him.
Lamentations 3:25 NLT

As I am currently caring for a baby I am often reminded of the dependency she has on me and my family to care for her every need.  She is incapable of doing anything for herself.  She can't even sit up or roll over or grab her pacifier and put it in her mouth.  She calls to us for all of her wants and needs.  Of course you know where I am going with this.  We too have a Daddy who is there, waiting for us to call on Him with all of our cares.  And not just the things we need, He is there to hear our cries of hurt and sadness, to provide the fun things and extra's in our life.  When we are dependant on Him we are free to be who He calls us to be.  When we trust in God to provide for us we can and be His hands and feet on earth, helping others.  When our baby can trust that we will feed her when she gets hungry, when she knows we will be there when her tummy hurts, or when she is tired, then she is free to relax in between the needing.  We too can relax and live while we wait on God to help us.  We can trust that He will show up in our need and supply for us.  A baby who doesn't have this trust will cry and cry never knowing if someoene will show up for her, soon her cries will disappear and she will just give up.  Have you given up?  Have you depended on people and material things instead of the One provider Who will never abandon you or let you down?  Go to God and depend on Him today.

So now, come back to your God.  Act with love and justice, and always depend on him.
Hosea 12:6 NLT       

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