Friday, April 22, 2016

Do Not Swerve

“They charge like warriors; they scale walls like soldiers. 
They all march in line, not swerving from their course.”      Joel‬ ‭2:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Today as I walked on the treadmill I wanted to praise God but was having a hard time doing it with my eyes open. Distractions caught my eye at every glance.  Dirty dishes. A dumped toy basket. A book I haven't finished reading. Everywhere something called for my attention. How could I stay on course to praise when so many things were clouding my thinking and decision making?

I closed my eyes for less than a second... Yes, bad idea. My feet swerved and a misstep happened quickly. I was off course in no time flat. Yet, I couldn't focus with all the distractions, so I held on to the handrail as I closed my eyes. I didn't swerve! Now,  I could focus on the words of the song. My heart could find it's way to the heart of my Father and Savior. As I walked, I could raise one hand in worship, focus my heart and not misstep! No distractions.

So often there are decisions to make. A new home. A new job. A different doctor.  A college. And it can be daunting to try to decide which is the best, especially when there are multiple good options.  Yet at the same time we must be fully aware that the enemy places fakes, frauds and distractions in our paths. The only way to know for sure where the Lord wants us to be is to stay connected to Him through prayer and the reading of his word. His word is the handrail of life, keeping us balanced and on course. Without it we will misstep and swerve all over the place making mistakes and wasting time.

Today I encourage you to dig deep into his word. Read, asking the Spirit to guide and direct your path. Stay focused! Stay connected. Stay undistracted.

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