Saturday, April 30, 2016


This is amazing grace 
This is unfailing love 
That You would take my place 
That You would bear my cross 
You laid down Your life 
That I would be set free 
Oh Jesus I sing for all

Click here to enjoy today's worship!

This is Amazing Grace by Jeremy Riddle

Friday, April 29, 2016

Help To Carry The Load

"I can't carry all these people by myself!  The load is far too heavy!"
Numbers 11:14

Moses was tired.  He was responsible for so many people.  Hungry people who had been complaining and disobeying God's instructions since the moment they left Egypt.  He had hit his limit and he was crying out to God for help.  He even went so far to get angry with God and asked for Him to end his life, he wanted out of the misery he was in.  You and I have both been in his shoes.  We have experienced a misery, a place like Moses that we felt helpless and tired and just wanted God to take it all away. 

Then the Lord said to Moses, "Gather before me seventy men who are recognized as elders and leaders of Israel.  Bring them to the Tabernacle to stand there with you.  I will come down and talk to you there.  I will take some of the Spirit that is upon you, and I will put the Spirit on them also.  They will bear the burden of the people along with you, so you will not have to carry it alone."
Numbers 11:16-17

I love God's gentle answer to him.  He didn't take all of Moses' problems away but He sent him people to help carry the heavy load.  I, too, can look back on my life and the moments when I have felt desperate and tired, to see how God gave me someone or a group of people to carry my load.  God loves us and He has a way for us to endure all things.  It may not be taking away our pain completely but He uses people and other things to help us cope and manage through the really hard times.  God makes it possible for us to endure and carry the burden's of life.  Thank God today for helping you in these times.  Thank Him for the special people He has sent at just the right time and for the moments that you have felt His presence and help in your situations.  He is always right there listenting to your cries for help and your feelings of defeat.  He is in the business of helping His people from the beginning of time, in Moses' day, and in your current circumstance.     

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Train Up a Child

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Play this little video.  Not many words are needed to express why it is so important to train our children to love and commune with God at such a young age. 

Thank you God for the blessing of knowing you and opportunity to share you with our children. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

Waiting is so hard, especially when during the wait we are working overtime trying to figure out what God is up to, how he will get us out of a mess, or when it will all be over.  One thing I have recently experienced, in the wait, is that I don't have to have all the answers, I can flat out not like God's plan and I can start out feeling very weak.  But the longer I wait and draw near to God the more strength I find.  The more patience I have and the more confident I feel in God's presence in my circumstance.  God is 100% faithful and when I am waiting, wondering what on earth God is doing, I can begin to renew my strength and confidence in Who has my problem in His hands.  I can trust in His works and the promise of His Word.  I shall run!  I shall not be weary!  I shall walk and not faint!  Because My God is my everything!

Dear God, if I listen to the world and let it dictate my feelings then I would give up this wait right now, but because You are my strength and portion, I will wait on You and trust in Your saving grace.  I have no idea what you are up to and I can't see where you are leading me past this moment.  Stay with me and renew my strength in You as I wait.  Give me legs to stand on and run on.  Give me confidence to be brave, and energy to wait on Your perfect timing.  In Jesus' Name I love you!  Amen          

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Grand Slam

LUKE 8:39

Last night my daughter hit a grand slam at her softball game! It was wonderful to watch her run the bases with that sweet smile and heartfelt joy. It was especially wonderful to watch her come home. Her teammates ran to meet her at the plate- high fives, pats on the helmet, hugs, and cheers of delight came from all the girls. The fans were also caught up in the moment with applause and cheers of encouragement. Yes, watching my daughter come home was great!

However, as I thought on this over the evening and into the morning I was led to the thought of my own homecoming, when Jesus and all the saints will welcome me with cheers, hugs, and high fives! Oh what a celebration it will be! 

But as I smiled on that thought I was also reminded that here, right now on this earth, Jesus has told me to 'return home' to go and talk to others about what he has done for us. Am I celebrating my earthly home coming, when my Savior revealed himself to me? Am I high-fiving others with the joy of the life Christ died for me to live? Am I hitting that amazing grand slam when all my family and friends will be heading home with me?

You have called us home not only to heaven, but to reveal heaven on earth. Help us to live with the passion and purpose of a power hitter; To live as one committed to your name and encouraging others to make it home too! Thank you Lord for revealing yourself in all things, even a high school grand slam! Amen

Monday, April 25, 2016

Experience An Intimate Relationship WIth Jesus

Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.  For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him.
Philippians 3:8-9

Nothing matters except that we have a relationship with Jesus Christ.  We can't be saved by our good deeds or our good behavior.  Our salvation comes only by our trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  By trusting in Jesus Christ we are saved.  But how do we trust in someone?  How do we feel comfortable enough to believe what someone says and place our whole lives on his or her Word?  We must get to know them.  A couple builds trust through time together, learning about each other, and a handing over of themselves evolves with time.  We won't truly know Jesus, or trust Him with our lives, if we don't know Him.  This deep, intimate relationship will only come from time spent together.  Don't neglect your time with Jesus.  Even though today may be jam packed with busy errands and lots of deadlines, do not forget Your Jesus.  Send up a prayer, thank Him for your blessings in life and find a scripture to focus on.  Spend more time getting to know Him if you don't already, and watch your relationship grow into something you can't life without.  Just as friendship takes time and effort, so does getting to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior.         

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sing Along Saturday

......Feel the winter leavin'
                 It's redemtption season.......

I just love this song from King and Country!  It's so encouraging to know that life keeps going and when we feel we've hit our limit, it's not over yet

  Open up your mind and your heart and sing along on this beautiful saturday!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Do Not Swerve

“They charge like warriors; they scale walls like soldiers. 
They all march in line, not swerving from their course.”      Joel‬ ‭2:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Today as I walked on the treadmill I wanted to praise God but was having a hard time doing it with my eyes open. Distractions caught my eye at every glance.  Dirty dishes. A dumped toy basket. A book I haven't finished reading. Everywhere something called for my attention. How could I stay on course to praise when so many things were clouding my thinking and decision making?

I closed my eyes for less than a second... Yes, bad idea. My feet swerved and a misstep happened quickly. I was off course in no time flat. Yet, I couldn't focus with all the distractions, so I held on to the handrail as I closed my eyes. I didn't swerve! Now,  I could focus on the words of the song. My heart could find it's way to the heart of my Father and Savior. As I walked, I could raise one hand in worship, focus my heart and not misstep! No distractions.

So often there are decisions to make. A new home. A new job. A different doctor.  A college. And it can be daunting to try to decide which is the best, especially when there are multiple good options.  Yet at the same time we must be fully aware that the enemy places fakes, frauds and distractions in our paths. The only way to know for sure where the Lord wants us to be is to stay connected to Him through prayer and the reading of his word. His word is the handrail of life, keeping us balanced and on course. Without it we will misstep and swerve all over the place making mistakes and wasting time.

Today I encourage you to dig deep into his word. Read, asking the Spirit to guide and direct your path. Stay focused! Stay connected. Stay undistracted.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

If We're Honest

“Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16 MSG

Now I  know that we can't all go around discussing our messes and airing our baggage for the world to see.  There are some things happening in our lives that aren't meant for sharing with everyone.  There are difficulties too raw to reveal, wounds too fresh to lay on just anyone.  But dear GFF, there must be one person you can talk to.  God, of course, is your constant and number one choice in sharing your fears, and messes and disappointments but do you have a person you can talk to?  Is there at least one trustworthy friend that you can call on when you have too much to bear on your own?  This scripture tells us the importance of sharing our stories.  The importance of being real with people, not hiding behind a mask, but opening up and sharing your raw emotion linked to a disappointment, a temptation, a sin or a hurt.  When we open up to others we allow them to open up with God and others as well.  We all want to pretend we are fine.  We don't want to draw attention to our needs or our hurts and so we put on a front acting as if we are not suffering.  But if we were honest with ourselves and others we would all be dealing and healing a lot quicker and in a healthier way.  If we're honest we can break down walls and help each other heal instead of walking around lonely and ashamed.  Every one of us has a mess we arent proud of and a hurt we are afraid to share.  It's time we are honest.......  

................I'm a mess and so are you.  We've built walls nobody can get through.......  

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Healing at the Well

Are you hurting? Addicted? Broken? Jesus is the healing you need. Arise and follow him!

John 5: 1-15

The Healing at the Pool

Some time later, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish festivals.Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda[a] and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades. Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. [4] [b]One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”
“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”
Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.
The day on which this took place was a Sabbath, 10 and so the Jewish leaderssaid to the man who had been healed, “It is the Sabbath; the law forbids you to carry your mat.”
11 But he replied, “The man who made me well said to me, ‘Pick up your mat and walk.’ ”
12 So they asked him, “Who is this fellow who told you to pick it up and walk?”
13 The man who was healed had no idea who it was, for Jesus had slipped away into the crowd that was there.
14 Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” 15 The man went away and told the Jewish leaders that it was Jesus who had made him well.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Depend On Him

The lord is good to those who depend on him,
to those who search for him.
Lamentations 3:25 NLT

As I am currently caring for a baby I am often reminded of the dependency she has on me and my family to care for her every need.  She is incapable of doing anything for herself.  She can't even sit up or roll over or grab her pacifier and put it in her mouth.  She calls to us for all of her wants and needs.  Of course you know where I am going with this.  We too have a Daddy who is there, waiting for us to call on Him with all of our cares.  And not just the things we need, He is there to hear our cries of hurt and sadness, to provide the fun things and extra's in our life.  When we are dependant on Him we are free to be who He calls us to be.  When we trust in God to provide for us we can and be His hands and feet on earth, helping others.  When our baby can trust that we will feed her when she gets hungry, when she knows we will be there when her tummy hurts, or when she is tired, then she is free to relax in between the needing.  We too can relax and live while we wait on God to help us.  We can trust that He will show up in our need and supply for us.  A baby who doesn't have this trust will cry and cry never knowing if someoene will show up for her, soon her cries will disappear and she will just give up.  Have you given up?  Have you depended on people and material things instead of the One provider Who will never abandon you or let you down?  Go to God and depend on Him today.

So now, come back to your God.  Act with love and justice, and always depend on him.
Hosea 12:6 NLT       

Monday, April 18, 2016

A Good Laugh

He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. Job 8:21

This weekend was beautiful. The sunshine just made my heart sing. It felt great to get my hands in the cool dirt of the flowerbeds and sit on the patio sipping lemonade and taking in the warmth of the day. But what made the weekend amazing was laughter and smiles. My children and grandchildren were in and out over the 3 days. I found myself laughing at their crazy antics and stories of life over the past week.
Yes, Laughter is good for the soul! Have you ever considered that the Lord also has a sense of humor. He created funny looking plants and animals that make me smile. He created children with wit and adults with fabulous humor. Smiles and laughter are created in the image of our God! So, today laugh and smile! Listen to a Christian comedian, ask a teacher for a funny comment a child's made, sit back and take in the beauty of God's creation... and smile!

Friday, April 15, 2016


Have you never heard?
Have you never understood?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary.
No one can measure the depths of his understanding.
Isaiah 40:28

Some mornings I wake up already trying to find a time and place to fit a nap into my day.  We all get tired.  Our busy schedules and deadlines at work don't allow our minds to rest and our lifestyle whether it be a house full of kids and activities, or the other things we find interesting, won't allow our bodies to rest.  In fact, those things that are sometimes supposed to give us rest are the very things in our lives that wear us out!  Let's face it, we are a busy people!  Find comfort in knowing that when your gas tank is on empty and you are struggling to find the energy to keep moving there is a God who never gets weak or weary.  We have a God Who is on full 100% of the time and we can go to him day or night to find His Words will fill us up with the encouragement, hope and energy we need to continue.  Oh the tank may not last long, and we may find ourselves refueling often, but Praise The Lord we have a place to go for renewal!  God undesrstands us and our needs.  He waits for us to go to him and has just what we need waiting......a special friend, a special Word, the sweetness of a butterfly, the blessing of a smile.....God's waiting to refuel our bodies, minds and spirit!  Let's go to Him today!       

Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Prayer for Today

 “‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, 
but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord
                     Leviticus 19:18

Dear Lord,
Help me today to love others as I love myself. Help me to be a witness for You and your glory. Soften my heart to the needs of others and give me the capacity to love especially those who are hard to love. Amen

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Because Of Your Faith

..........and Jesus asked them, "Do you believe I can make you see?"
"Yes, Lord," they told him, "we do."
Then he touched their eyes and said, "Because of your faith, it will happen."
Matthew 9:28-29 NLT

These blind men were not afraid to approach Jesus and boldly ask Him for healing.  They hunted Him down and followed until the right time when they could shout out "have mercy on us".  They were so bold that they followed Jesus right into the home where He was staying, and Jesus, without skipping a beat, asked them if they wanted to see.  Jesus didn't yell at them to leave or get out of His home, He knew why there were there, but by asking them He was checking their faith.  And without hesitation they both answered with a confident yes.  They had no idea how Jesus could do it, they had no idea what he was going to do but they believed that they could be healed.  What makes this so esciting is that Jesus didn't have to do anything.  No magic spell, no fancy surgery or medicine........He simply asked them if they believed and they did.  He touched them and they were healed.  Friends, Jesus simply asks us if we want to be healed.  He asks us if we believe.  What is your honest answer to this question?  Are you confident like these two men or do you hesitate in your belief that God can fix your specific circumstance?  Friend without faith you will not be made whole.  Without faith you will stay right were you are.  Without faith healing has no chance to walk into your life.  Jesus is all powerful and faithful to heal only when we are accepting of that healing and confident that He is our healer.  Jesus boldly tells us all, "Because of your faith, it will happen."  And so I ask you, "What does your faith look like?"

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Slow and Steady

"Go through the camp and tell the people, "Get your provisions ready. Three days from now you will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land the LORD your God is giving you for your own." Joshua 1:11

God had promised the Israelites that he would lead them to the Promised Land of Canaan. He said he would deliver the land into their hands. On their journey from Egypt, he had shown them miracle after miracle. He had led them by pillar of fire during the night and clouds in the daylight. God used Moses to lead this multitude of people and through it all, God had been faithful. It was a slow and steady process.

So why did it take the Israelites 40 years to enter the Promised Land? They had much to learn before they could receive what had been promised. The generation that fled Egypt never stepped foot into Canaan. Such a sad thing that it takes us so long to learn, yet thankfully we have a faithful God who is good to his word and doesn't quit on us!

After 40 years, the Canaanites were ready to enter this land that had been promised generations long before them. Joshua had been established as their new leader, they were ready to receive what was promised (insert a brief sigh of relief) and then.... they fought for seven years to remove the inhabitants of Canaan! What? Seriously, they had to fight 7 years to conquer all of Canaan. I don't know how I missed this small fact over the years, but in my mind the Israelites went into the land and in no time at all had victory and claimed it as their own. Maybe because I can read the account so quickly in the scriptures I didn't realize the major time lapse that actually occurred. But, it was a slow and steady process.

Over the last 4 days I haven't been able to stop thinking about the fact that the Israelites fought 7 years to conquer Canaan. I've told my family members (One of them claims I told her twice!) and pondered this thought... seven years of fighting to remove the sin from the promised land.  Seven years of slow and steady progress. Seven years!

I have to wonder why I expect God to instantly conquer my sins or the sins of those for whom I pray. I get anxious when he doesn't respond instantly. I start to wonder if my prayers are ineffective or not from a right heart. I want answers, and I want them now. But that is not the God I serve. HE IS SLOW AND STEADY! Yes, he could miraculously change things, fix things, or take away issues in an instant. But mostly he works, slow and steady, within the hearts of his children.

How long will you pray for your husband? How long will you work with God to heal your pain or stop your addiction? How long will you daily forgive the one who hurt you? How long...? What if it takes 7 years or perhaps 27? Will you keep praying and fighting the spiritual fight until you see victory? Oh, we don't have to fight physically like the Israelites, but we have to suit up and prayerfully battle everyday!

7 years is a long time. We need each other because this journey isn't easy. But together, by the grace of God, we will enter the promised land! For the victory is already won in Jesus. And the battle is the Lord's, and he will fight slow and steady on our behalf! And in the meantime, we encourage and uplift one another! Amen!

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Glory Of God Illuminates

And the city has no need of sun or moon, for the glory of God illuminates the city, and the lamb is its light.
Revelations 21:23 NLT

Early in my faith walk I read this scripture and was amazed at the thought of not needing any light in heaven.  God shines so brightly in all His glory that He and Jesus will be our source of light! I loved the thought of it and shared it with many people for a while, even my kids, because it just excited me so much.  As we have been experiencing a different kind of spring this year, I've noticed all the complaints of this cold weather and I have found myself down because of the lack of sunshine present throughout my days.  I daily remind myself that the sun is still shining above the clouds, another thing I found out flying one day that I never thought of before.  Where I thought the sun went, as if it could disappear, is beyond me, I guess I just had never thought deeply about it before sitting in a plane after taking off on a cloudy day and soon finding myself in the sun.  It just spoke to me in that moment!

......... getting back to God's Word, He is our source of light!  He is our joy!  He has power over the sun and clouds.  We should not complain on cloudy, rainy, cold days but instead let Jesus be our source of light in the dark.  Even on the cloudiest day if we have enough Jesus in our hearts we can light up a room.  If God is our number one and we live to satisfy Him then we can shine a light so bright that the people around us just might forget about the crappy weather forecast.  So next time you want to complain about the darkness think of God and Jesus in heaven shining brightly for all the saints to see.  His radiant light is so bright there is no need for light!  If He can light up a completely dark heaven then we can surely brighten up our cloudy day with the hope that comes from Him living in us and guiding us and loving us unconditionally.  Yes the rain is once again pelting the rooftop and the sun is nowhere to be seen from my window but in my heart the Son is shining!  In my heart God is showing me a new perspective!  And so I share it with you.  Find your source of light in Your savior, Jesus Christ today.  Look for God in the dark spaces and let Him light your room and your heart.  Amen and amen!         

Saturday, April 9, 2016


Our God is victorious! Although the battle rages on, our Lord and Savior is victorious! Sing this praise today with Third Day as they proclaim 'Victorious'...

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Bigger Picture

Nothing happens without God's permission.  And when bad things do happen in our lives God has set boundaries by which satan has to acknowledge.  We see this in the life of Job when satan talks with God asking to test Job's faith by taking his family and everything he owns and then a little later asking to take his health.  God allows some pretty horrific things but protects Job's life.  It's hard to say why one person should have to endure so much pain and it's difficult to understand why people we love have to go through the hard things they do but we can never forget that God is in complete control making sure His will is preserved and accomplished.

"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat.  But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail.  So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers."   Luke 22:31-32 NLT

Jesus had conversations with satan and allowed Peter to struggle with his denial of Him, but ultimately it was Jesus who called the shots.  Satan had to get permission and was told what he was allowed to do.  Jesus knew that this would change Peter and He expected him to bring his testimony back to share it with his brothers because it would help them too.  All of our hard times can be used to strengthen us and others if we let it and Jesus knows that.  Jesus is always in control and what's really encouraging is after he allows satan to "mess" with us He doesn't just wait to watch it all take place.  He prays for us.  Jesus prays for us to stand strong in our faith and pleads for God to give us endurance, patience, strength and whatever else we need during our struggles.  I like to imagine Him shedding tears for us, cheering us on and begging God to give us relief.  He loves us, after all, He died for us! 

There is a bigger picture that goes with our hard times and disappointments.  Jesus sees that picture and isnt' afraid to send us into a storm from time to time.  He knows the storm will strengthen us for our ministry, it will give us testimony to help others and it will grow our faith in ways that will draw us closer to Him and glorify God in ways we could never imagine.  He also trusts His Father to fight for us and bring us through our hard times.  He prays for us because He believes.  

Immediately after this, Jesus insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake, while he send the people home.  After sending them home, he went up into the hills by himself to pray.  Night fell while he was there alone.
Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves.  
Matthew 14:22-24 NLT 

Do you think Jesus was surpised by this storm that the disciples encountered?  Probably not, Jesus sent his followers into that scare them and hurt them and discourage them?  No, Jesus had a plan for that storm.  Just like He has a plan for our storms.  Does He enjoy watching us suffer during those times?  Not at all.  He prays for us!  He knows it's not going to be easy and He knows we will endure great suffering but He also knows what it can do for the Kingdom of God.  Just like the disciples we can be cruising along obeying Christ, going where he leads us, and BAM!! a storm arises even when we are right were God wants us.  It happens, and it's so hard to wrap our human thinking around, but we must trust that God is in control.  He can use any storm or environment to prepare us for our future ministry.  He has a minsitry for us all.  He has plans for us all.  It's time to stop cursing our storm and instead look for the good that can come from it.  Sometimes it's so ugly we can't possibly see how any good can come, but that is when our faith is put to the test.  We must trust that God knows best for our best.

But Jesus spoke to them at once.  "Don't be afraid," he said.  "Take courage.  I am here!"
Matthew 14:27         

Thursday, April 7, 2016

God Forbids Worry

We often hear people say, "I'm such a worrier. I always have been; I always will be." However, the truth is that God did not design us to be worriers. He designed us to be free to live this life under his love and control. Worry is a tool of the enemy designed to steal, kill, and destroy the beautiful free life we were given in Christ. Jesus doesn't take worry lightly. He doesn't just say, "Hey guys, try not to worry." or "You'll feel better if you worry less."  Read the following scripture noting what Jesus says about worry. 

 “Therefore I tell you, 
do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear." Matthew 6:25

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ Matthew 6:31

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

Jesus actually FORBIDS worry! Yes, forbids it! That is a strong word and if you are a parent you know that when you forbid your child to do something you are absolutely serious about it. So, if you are a worrier, stop it! Replace your thoughts with the truth of God's Word time and again until the worry is gone. Train your mind to live free in the light of truth. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

This Is What He Requires Of You

No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: 
to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

Leading up to this scripture Micah was telling the Israelites the many ways in which they had wronged God and others.  God had been so faithful to them but their response over the years was selfish.  They continued to worship other gods and complain when they didn't get what they wanted.  They took matters into their own hands and became a sinful nation.  Micah was declaring their guilt and speaking on God's behalf asking them what God had done wrong, describing all of the great things He did to save them from horrible circumstances in the past.  In a sense, Micah was pleading with God's people to repent and turn from their wicked ways because God's judgment was coming.  
Micah was repentent of his own sin and the sins of all the people and He was afraid of what was to come.  He offered pardon to those who confessed and repented but they thought their forgiveness had to be bought so they asked what they should offer up to God.  They begged to know what they could bring God to take away the wrong they committed and even offered to sacfrifice their own children for forgiveness, to save them from God's punishment.  God's answer through Micah was simple yet something we must never take for granted or forget in our own daily lives.  They need only to do what was right, love mercy and walk humbly with God.

Knowing God and the character of Jesus we are easily in tune with what is right and wrong.  If we ever question something we are more than blessed to have the bible to go to for answers and guidance and so at least knowing what is right shouldn't be hard.  The hard part is doing it.  Which becomes a choice we all have to make.  God is good and right and we can follow Him as we grow to know Him on an intimate level.  Doing what is right is asked of us by our loving Father.  

Mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone that deserves punishment.  When we offer someone mercy we are witholding the punishment his or her sins deserve.  God asks us to leave the judgement in His hands and He asks us to offer mercy so that we won't harbor bitterness within our hearts because a bitter heart is a hard heart.  As God's children we are expected to offer mercy to those who wrong us and trust Him with their consequences and punishement.

Walking humbly with God is the third thing God requires of us.  We aren't supposed to boast in ourselves but glorify Him in our accomplishments and daily tasks.  Being humble is not acting proud or haughty.  It is taking on a meek and gentle spirit with a modest estimate of our own importance.  If we know God the way we should then we know we are nothing without Him.  God asks us to let down our selfish ways and trust Him with our lives.  He wants us to become nothing so that we can be His.  

God asked this of the Israelites because just making sacrifices was an easy fix.  God wanted more from His people.  He wanted changed hearts and He knew in order to create a clean, renewed heart in someone their actions had to change.  By asking His people to do what is right, love mercy and walk humbly they would have to make a huge change in their hearts, attitudes and actions.  He asks this of us, still today.  God wants our hearts!  And if we aren't ready to change for Him then we aren't listening to this ancient request.  God requires us to make these changes in our lives just like he did the Israelites many many years ago.  His Word is never changing!  It is a living Word that works today, and speaks today just like it did thousands of years earlier.  Are you fair in your dealings with people offering mercy and forgiveness when they hurt you?  Are you trying to do what is right?  Are  you learning humility and puting your trust in God instead of yourself?   These are the things we need to evaluate often in our lives.  The Lord has told us what is good!  Are we listening and acting?  

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

But the Word of Our God Endures Forever

All the people are like grass,
     and all their faithfulness is like the flowers of the field.
The grass withers and the flowers fall,
     because the breath of the Lord blows on them.
     Surely the people are grass.
The grass withers and the flowers fall,
     but the word of our God endures forever.
                                  Isaiah 40: 6-8

Spring is such a beautiful time of the year. The flowers bloom, the grass awakens in a rich green, spring rains freshen the earth, and beauty abounds. However, this scripture reminds us how insignificant these things are in light of God's Word. The flowers fall and the grass withers as the very breath of God is breathed over them. And, we humans, are mere grass and flowers. Yet the Word of God remains. Nothing can destroy, diminish or detract from God's word. When all this world crumbles and no longer remains, the Word of God will remain... forever! Oh, that his word is hidden in our hearts and our souls remain in Him! Amen

Enjoy a worship moment and  be blessed by Third Day's song Your Words. Click here to listen!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Put Them To Use!

"And that about wraps it up.  God is strong, and he wants you strong.  So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials.  And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way.  This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours.  This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels."
Ephesians 6:10-12 MSG

God has given us all we need to fight our daily battles.  Every day it is our choice to fight like we mean it, or keep struggling and suffering because we refuse to fight using God's tools.  Satan's attacks will not stop until we are secure in heaven.  He will always fight us with his lies and manipulations to get us to fall, fail, or cause someone else to stumble.  That is why God has given us everything we need in advance.  He has set out the tools we will need and it's our responsibility to use them.  God can certainly fight for us, but we have a responsibility to defend ourselves in certain situations.  This defense doesn't come in the form of physical weapons, like the world would suggest, no, God has given us something more powerful.  He gives us His truth which is strong enough to defeat satan's lies.  He gives us righteousness that protects our hearts, and peace that surpasses anything the world can offer.  Our faith is used to see things through God's perspective and not get discouraged when things don't go our way.  Salvation is ours and keeps us from doubting our future and that God can and will save us in His perfect timing and plan.  And one of my favorites......God's Word, which has been laid out for us to use in every situation to help guide us through problems and give us words to fight back with and stand on.  

Friends, we are in this for the long haul, and it's time we use His tools to protect our families and friends and ourselves.  God has gone before us and knows the struggles we will run into.  God has prepared a way for us by leaving behind some very important armor that we are to put on and wear boldly and confidently in His Name.       

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday Scripture

I lift my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Sing Along Saturday

God cannot tell lies!  And so his promises and vows are two things that can never be changed.  We have run to God for safety.  Now his promises should greatly encourage us to take hold of the hope that is right in front of us.  This hope is like a firm and steady anchor for our souls.  In fact, hope reaches behind the curtain and into the most holy place.
Hebrews 6:18-19

Whatever storm you are facing know that God is your anchor and He will carry you out of the eye of the storm and place you safely where He wants you.  Trust in Him and He will not fail you.  I love the words to this song chosen for today.  Maybe because I love anchors, and the thought of God being my anchor, holding me tightly while my sails are torn and my life feels out of control, feels really comforting.  It's something we have all experienced, a storm, it's time we stop pretending everything is all right and live out our lives together.  Sharing comfort and encouragement with those who need it and removing the masks and coming out from our hiding places to live genuinely for the world to see.  It's okay to have problems, it's okay to make mistakes, it's okay that you aren't perfect!  In the eye of the storm He remains in control!

Dear God I ask you to touch those who need you today.  Give them your amazing peace over their circumstances and be their anchor.  Let them see you and feel you and get a taste of what you can do in their life.  I pray they can place their trust in you, and believe you are able to help them through anything.  Thank you for this beautiful song of encouragement.......may it help those who need hope.

Friday, April 1, 2016

No Room For Doubt

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. James 1:6-8

Doubt is a tool of the enemy. If he can get you to doubt long enough, you will become discouraged and confused. Throughout scripture we are told of God's faithfulness and his desire to give good gifts to his children. When we ask God, according to his will, he will hear and answer our prayers. There is no room for doubt in the Christian heart and mind.

What do you need today? Are you lacking wisdom, peace, comfort, or direction? Do you need another Christian woman to walk along with you on your faith journey? Then ask it of the LORD and expect him to answer. He may answer through his Word, through another Christian, or through his still small voice within your spirit. But he will answer! Do not be like a wave blown and tossed on the sea, doubting God's goodness and love even if you must wait for his answer. Stand firm in the knowledge that God has heard you and is working for your good!