Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Joseph's Confidence

"Interpreting dreams is God's business, Joseph replied.  Go ahead and tell me your dreams."
Genesis 41:8 NLT

A phrase Mary and I have thrown around a lot is "to know that you know that you know".  I'm certain we aren't the first people to use it and we won't be the last.  We often say it when we are so ready to know Jesus and to be so confident in Him and His place in our life that nothing will shake us.  We want to trust God's Word with our whole being and when hard things are thrown at us we don't want to be knocked down.  We want to know that we know that we know that everything is going to be just fine in God's hands.  Joseph is someone who knew.  He knew from scripture and the teachings of his father that God was real and God was just.  He saw the hand of God in his very own life.  Everytime something looked impossible or hopeless God delivered him from it.  He had a relationship with God and it showed in his confidence that even in the unjust times of his life, God would bring him justice.  He also knew God well enough to know that his power came from God.  His ability to interpret dreams and the positions he held were all by the workings of God.  He was also sure that God was with him every step of the way.  I love this scripture above because he just confidently said to the cup-bearer and the baker, God interprets dreams but hey tell me what happened and I can help you.  He trusted that God was with Him and that God would give him what he needed to help the prisoners.  Again in chapter 41 Joseph was asked to interpret Pharoah's dreams and his response was: "It is beyond my power to do this," Joseph replied.  "But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease."  (Genesis 41:16)  Then Joesph proceeded to tell him his dreams.  He knew God's place in his life.  Joseph wasn't afraid to speak on God's behalf because he was confident and His confidence came from faith and a relationship with God.  I want this confidence and I bet some of you do too........and so we pray.   

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