Friday, January 22, 2016

Jacob's Love

Read Genesis 29

How long are you willing to wait for the desires of your heart? Are you willing to make sacrifices and work hard in the wait? Jacob is an amazing example of patient love.

Jacob asked Laban, the father of Rachel for his daughter's hand in marriage. Jacob pledged to work for Laban for 7 years before he would marry this beautiful girl. Finally, when her could wait no longer and al was ready Jacob asked Laban to set the date! I can't imagine the excitement in the heart of Jacob as the day approached.

However, Jacob was deceived and found Rachel's sister Leah in his wedding bed. As was the custom of that day, Laban could not give his younger daughter (Rachel) in marriage before the older daughter was wed. Jacob's heart must have sank as he realized that his true love was not yet his.

The story ends when Jacob is then given the hand of Rachel and promises to work for Laban another 7 years.

True love waits. It doesn't force itself on others. It doesn't demand it's own way. True love is patient and willing to work hard on behalf of the loved one. So how well are you loving today?

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