Tuesday, September 27, 2016

An Offer We Can't Refuse

The people refused to enter the pleasant land, for they wouldn't believe his promise to care for them.
Psalm 106:24

How many times have I refused to go where God was leading me because I was afraid?  Too many to count, unfortunately.  My obedience has not been the greatest.  Because I didn't have a personal relationship with Jesus I was not always living in His will.  And even now that I do know Jesus, I still get afraid of following Him.  Why, after so many promises, do I still get fearful of following God to unknown places?  Time and time again He has proven himself faithful to His people.  Over and over, in the bible, He promises to always be with me and I still doubt when it comes to stepping out of my comfort zone.  It makes sense to most people.  In fact, society encouragages that we make decisions based on our needs and desires.  The world tells us to do what makes us happy and enjoy life to the fullest.  But what if that means instead of taking the fun, easy way we are to get uncomfortable for God?  Is God asking us to do hard things, step out into the unknown waters and travel to a land we don't know much about?  I believe more times than not God will ask us to endure the hard.  He promises us a land so rich in mercy and abundant provision but we are often times too scared to go.  Like the Israelites we refuse to enter the pleasant places He has prepaired for us because we don't believe God is able to care for us.  We get so caught up in the what ifs and we become paralized.  We let the world distort our trust in God and we say no to Him.  God wants nothing more than to give us everything!  He dreams to bring us into His beautiful land and give us the finest posessions in the world.  (Jeremiah 3:19-20) But so often we are denied access not because he says no, but because we say no.  We refuse His offer and take the easy way, the wrong way, the selfish way.........

Yes, God asks us to do difficult things and go to dangerous places but we can trust that there is no place he will take us that He isn't capable of protecting us from.  There is nothing He can't help us with.  God will always be with us and bless our obedience.   

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