Wednesday, July 20, 2016

God is Faithful To Forgive

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins 
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9

Being a Christian is a one time decision to believe that Jesus Christ is our savior.  Living the Christian life is a maturing process that takes detours, slides down slopes and climbs mountains, all on a timeline that God has laid out and sees perfect for our life.  God knows the decisons we will make before we do and so He has our life in His hands, planned out for all the mistakes we might make on the way to complete maturity.  He doesn't get mad when we make those mistakes.  He isn't disappointed, because He isn't surprised by them.  He doesn't give up on us or love us any less for messing up.  God is perfect love!  And that love is patient and kind.  He waits for us!  Like a mother waiting on her child to listen and take hold of her hand, God stands at our side smiling patiently, waiting for us to grab His hand and go with Him.  Those moments we choose to run off are many, but he never walks on ahead of us or leaves us on our own.  He loves us and is faithful to forgive us!  

Now say a prayer of forgiveness and leave it with God.  Don't carry your burden all day.  Let it be done and trust that God will lead you to change and grow closer to Him in maturity.    

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