Thursday, March 3, 2016

We Are Family

The master himself will give the command.  Archangel thunder!  God's trumpet blast!  He'll come down from heaven and the dead in Christ will rise - they'll go first.  Then the rest of us who are still alive at the time will be caught up with them into the clouds to meet the Master.  Oh, we'll be walking on air!  And then there will be one huge family reunion with the Master.  So reassure one another with these words.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 MSG

Just last night I was envisioning meeting the beautiful people from the bible, thinking to myself, I want to learn all about them now so that I will know them just by seeing them once I get to heaven.  The thought of being one big family with Moses and Esther and Joseph and Ruth and Naomi gives me chills.  My brother, Jesus, and my Daddy!  I love this translation because it is described as a family reunion.  We are all one in Christ, therefore we will know eachother as though we had met before.  We will hug and rejoice and start right in praising God together.  Who knows, maybe we will get to catch up and share stories and ask questions.  I do know we will be happy and it will be like one big celebration that never ends.  So we aren't to fear death and the loss of a loved one.  We are to, instead, encourage each other that this life is only a small fraction of what is to come in eternity.  We have a big party waiting for us!  

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