Thursday, November 3, 2016

Stand Confident Against Your Accusers

Then let them curse me if they like, but you will bless me!
When they attack me, they will be disgraced!
But I, your servant, will go right on rejoicing!
May my accusers be clothed with disgrace;
may their humiliation cover them like a cloak.
But I will give repeated thanks to the Lord, praising him to everyone.
For he stands beside the needy, ready to save them from those who condemn them.
Psalm 109:28-31 NLT

I found the words I have been trying to tell my teenage daughter!  She is learning quickly that high school can be hard and kids can be mean, especially girls!  It breaks my heart to see her struggle, but at the same time I pray daily for her to learn from her experiences, trusting God to grow her and prepare her for what the future has in store for her.  I often forget that the things I know aren't a big deal, are the very things that give her identity in this stage in her life.  I often tell her how special she is and that she is God's girl.  I drill home the importance of staying true to herself and God and not worrying about what other's think.  But she is human and her feelings are often hurt and she needs to know that God is on her side.  This prayer written by David is perfect! 

I love that he was able to continue praising and rejoicing when his enemies where attacking!  It is so important to remember that when everyone seems to be against us God is for us.  He will be the judge and we can lay that burden at his feet!  There is no need to get revenge because God will always take care of the things that need taken care of.  Praying that his accusers see their wrong doing and be shaken to shame and repentence.........maybe a little humiliation in there too but that humiliation will often times bring someone to change :)

God is listening to our cries for help in all areas!  It is important to trust him when we are being wrongly accused, when gossip is spreading about us and when someone is hurting our feelings.  "Let them accuse me if they like, but you will bless me!"  My dream for my daughter and myself and all of us!  Stand tall and confident in Whose we are!  Search our own hearts and stay concerned with our own lives.  Go to God when we are being accused and be confident that no person or thing of this world can destroy us!  

Praying for all of my GFFs who need to be reminded that you are in the hands of God.  Whatever your issue or whoever your accuser I pray that you can know your worth in Jesus Christ and claim that truth today!  Continuously praising God and repeatedly thanking Him.  Amen           

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