Thursday, June 16, 2016

Feeding On Trash?

A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash.
Proverbs 15:14 NLT

I am studying all the scripture that speaks of, or describes a fool.  For another day and time I will have that blog written, but today I was stopped by this scripture telling me that the wise seeks wisdom and the fool feeds on trash.  Of course I began thinking of my own life and the things I feed on, like my choice of activities, books, movies and so on.  It's something I haven't really been convicted of nor have I stopped to think on those things I do.  Usually I am running kids here and there, occasionaly I have time to meet with a friend in between grocery visits and athletic events.  I don't get too many movies in and up to a few weeks ago the bible was the only book I had time for.  I have never stopped to think very long on what I am feeding my brain and I absolutely do not think of what I am feeding my stomach, which has lately been concession stand food!  The music I listen to is usually from the christian station or my latest Charles Billingsly CD but when my kids are in the car somehow the station gets turned to country or pop.  I do pay attention to these words and so often want to change the station but even those with not so good stories have a nice ring to them.  I know we are all convicted of different things and what God is asking me to give up is not the same thing He is asking you to give up.  I am not writing today to convict you of the bad things you are feeding on but I am writing to share God's word with you.  His truth is what we should be living on and if we don't know His word then we won't know how to live Christ-like lives.  As much as I am hungry for wisdom and Godly knowledge there is always much room for my improvement and this scripture has made me step back to think of whether I am feeding on Godly things what will grow my relationship with Him as well as the Kingdom or if I am feeding on trash, those things that get me knowwhere in the big picture and that will not bring glory or honor to God.  Unfortunately I have some things to sort out but unlike a fool who despises wise advice (Proverbs 23:9) I absolutely cannot hear this scripture and ignore it.  And I am hoping that some of you will do the same.  Ask God where He wants you to start.  Think on your life and the things you feed on and find one area that God directs you to change.  He isn't looking or perfection but a heart that is willing and a desire to follow.  Maybe you have let a lot go and you are hungry for knowledge but don't know where to start.  Pick up your bible and start reading!  Get to know God and His love for you.  Feed on those things that will draw you closer to God instead of lead you away from Him.  As for me, I'm not sure where I will begin, but I know God will be faithful and gentle His dealings.  He will make all things possible for me as well as give me a way to fulfill His requests and I will learn and grow in the process and maybe teach my children a thing or two along the way.  

God thank you for you word!  You have given me all your instructions and wait patiently for me to read them and write them on my heart.  Help me to evaluate my life and the things that I am feeding on.  I seek your wisdom and I don't want to feed on trash.  Show me where you want me to start and give me the strength to succeed.  I love you and the blessings you give me each day!  You are my God and I sing to you this morning!  Amen and Amen!    

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