Thursday, February 26, 2015

We Were Still Sinners

But God has shown us how much he loves us - it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us.
-Romans 5:8-

How often do we consider helping someone but hesitate, using the excuse, but she will just use the money on drugs or alcohol, when he checks into rehab, after she gets a degree, when he finds a job, after they say sorry.......the list could go on and on.  We often put limits to our love and we hold out on people because of those limits.  We often want the recipient of our love to get their act together before we put too much into them.  We stay distant until we see they are committed to changing or until we see that they are thankful for our help.  So often we make people earn our love.  And when said out loud..............yes, say it out loud (I often times make people earn my love), it sounds bad.....really bad.  The message version states it this way:  

But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death 
while we were of no use whatever to him. 
(Romans 5:8 MSG)

God loved us while we were of no use to him.  We were sinners and had no promise of turning our lives around.  We had no commitment to Him, no love to return, but He showed us the ultimate love by sacrificing His own Son for us.  God didn't say, when you decide to change I will make you a deal, He didn't say get your act together first and I will save you from your sins.  He just saved strings attached.  We didn't have to earn His help.  We didn't have to earn His love. 

..................And one more thing, that person you have difficulty loving and helping................God loves him or her as much as He loves as you.  He sacrificed His Son for them, just the same.  Think about those you struggle helping and loving.  Today is the day you change the way you love.  You will allow God's love to flow through you and stop demanding something in return.  Stop expecting them to change and just offer them your love and support.      


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