This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God.
-Genesis 6:9-
It wasn't exactly what Noah did, but more like what (or Who) Noah lived for, that made him perfect for the job. Noah put God first in his life. He loved God and trusted everything about Him. He lived for God and he believed that walking in close fellowship with God would bless him and bless the world. He wasn't afraid of the nay sayers and the people who would ridicule him and attack his character. He believed God was right and He chose to live for Him only. This doesn't mean Noah never sinned, but as he lived he walked to please the Lord. Sometimes he missed the mark, and other times he may have gotten off track, but all along he was trying, and every time he recognized he was off track, he found His way back to God. He was in close fellowship with God. Fellowship means they were friends who shared the same interest's and common goals. Noah believed in what God was all about and He wanted his life and family to experience a life lived under God's rule and authority. God believed in Noah and knew his heart was genuine and trustworthy. They trusted each other and held a special bond.
Nothing has changed since Noah's time. God still desires to share in fellowship with His people and he continues to offer His love and support to those who love Him. Yes, God wants a special bond with you! The problem is so many of us aren't willing to give up the world to walk in close fellowship with God. I'm not going to sit here and tell you I have it all right and I am living the perfect life. I will say that I am in close fellowship with God because I have put Him first in my life and my desire it so follow everything He is and stands for. I don't always get it right and often I find myself really messing up but that isn't the point. The point is when we mess up we are able to recognize it, repent and move forward in our walk. He knows we aren't perfect and that we are going to mess up, sometimes in big ways, but He loves us just the same. When we know our children are trying their hardest do we kick them when they mess up or do we gently pick them up, dust them off, and encourage them to keep trying? You bet we encourage them! God is doing the same with us. He is walking with us, holding our hand, guiding our next big move and He is enjoying every minute of it! I guarantee you won't be disappointed either.