Friday, September 27, 2013

Pray God's Word

“You will have to live with the consequences of everything you say.  What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words.”
Proverbs 18:20,21

I read this scripture from the Good News Translation.  It is slightly different from my usual New Living Translation, which reads something like this: “Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction.  The Tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.”  This new translation gave me a whole new perspective on these verses.  Instead of applying it to the words that I speak to others I saw it as the words that I speak to my God in prayer.  

The way I pray should be positive and full of life!  My prayers need to be lined up with Gods will or they will not be answered (1 John 5:14-15 “And we can be confident that he will listen to us whenever we ask him for anything in line with his will.  And if we know he is listening when we make our requests, we can be sure that he will give us what we ask for.”).  So if I were to speak words of negativity or to pray for things I know in my heart weren’t good for me, that could cause me to reap some consequences, in the form of a life less joyful or through unanswered prayer.  I would have to deal with God not answering my prayers because I am not asking for things that follow His character.  

So you ask how can we know we are in line with His will?  How can I speak or pray so as not to destroy life?  Preserving life through our prayer would involve praying God’s words directly back to Him.  When we are seeking answers to difficult questions we need to look in the bible for positive scripture that goes along with what we are asking for.  When we speak Gods word back to Him He hears our prayers, we are in line with His will and He will answer!   Even in the NLT translation, listed above, it says wise words satisfy, they bring satisfaction.  When we choose our words wisely, speaking truth straight from the bible, we will be satisfied......God will answer our prayers!     

Think of one thing that you pray for everyday.  Maybe you want more patience with your kids (that’s usually one of mine), you need more energy, you request healing of an illness, or you have a friend stuck in a life of sin.  Instead of praying please help so in so, or God give me more energy to face the day find a verse in your bible and speak it straight from His word.  Claim His promises for your specific need.   

For example, If I were praying for a friend who was fighting depression and fatigue.  My prayer to God could simply be this, God you give power to those who are tired and warn out; You will offer strength to Sally Sue today. (Isaiah 40:29).  We know that God will answer this prayer because His word says so! 

My challenge for you, over the weekend, is to choose one thing that you have been praying for and pray differently.  Look up scripture in the back of your bible or get on line and do topical searches.  Just remember that wise words bring satisfaction, saying our prayers wisely will bring the answers we desire. Preserve life and choose your words wisely!  

* PLEASE SHARE!  We would love to hear what scripture you choose.

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