Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Going Under The Knife

“For the word of God is full of living power.  It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires.  It exposes us for what we really are.”
Hebrews 4:12

The Bible is not just a story book.  God’s word was given to us for a greater purpose than just reading material and a reason to meet with our bible study girls once a week.  The Bible, although very encouraging in times of despair, was meant for more than looking up answers to tough questions.  The Bible is what we should be using to shape our lives. 

You might ask, how is a book full of living power, how can words be sharper than the sharpest knife?  God’s word gives those who read it the power to live within God’s will.  The bible is living!  It is useful yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8).  His word never changes and is useful in all situations!  It is alive!  God’s word has the power to give us real, abundant life, full of joy!  It is sharp enough, so meaningful and useful, that it can shape us and mold us into the person God calls us to be.  God’s word can change a heart, it can save a woman on her death bed, and it can give someone the encouragement she needs to walk away from sin.  But you see, having all the best morals and manners, joining 5 bible studies, and going to church every Sunday isn’t enough to experience this saving power.  

We need the power of the Holy Spirit through the Living Word to shape our decisions and our character. When we read the Bible we have to be willing to let it change us.  When we sit down with God it is vital that we are willing to go under the knife.  God wants us to be open with Him and be willing to be transformed with every scripture and every story.  When we are willing, God’s word can cut into our innermost being and we can say to Him, “Change me, convict me, use me, show me.”  If receptive, God’s word can reveal to us the areas in our lives that He wants changed (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  We can truly start living for God when we allow His words to penetrate our hearts and change our way of loving, living, caring and sharing.  

For years I have been in many beautiful bible studies.  I have had great lessons and even underlined tons of great scripture and Godly advice.  My problem through these lessons is I didn’t sign all of the consent forms allowing God to perform surgery on my heart.  I didn’t allow him to shape me through all of these studies.  Oh, I gained great knowledge and friendships that I will treasure forever, but my life didn’t change because I wasn’t willing to let God unleash His living power in my life.  I continued to have consultation appointments with God but I never got the courage to go through with the surgery.  I never went under the knife.

Almost 4 years ago I was so broken that my body couldn’t deny the surgery anymore.  I signed my heart over to God and I read His word differently.  I devoted my time to Him with intentions of getting to know Him.  I signed the papers and gave Him permission to fix me, shape me, and love me.  I allowed Him into the deepest part of my soul and I became vulnerable and weak but through that weakness the power of His Living Word made me strong!  

My prayer for you is that you can stop scheduling consultation appointments and decide today to go under the knife!  Your right!  It won’t be easy, the recovery may be slow and painful but God will be there giving you power and strength for each day.  You will gain a new perspective that is so freeing and makes living so joyful!  Today decide to read God’s word because you want to live for Him.  Read the Bible because you want to change your life!  

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